Product Highlights

ED APO 80mm f/6 FCD-100 Alu HEX

  • Three lens apochromat with two air spaces
  • Aperture 80mm; focal length 480mm; f/6
  • HOYA FCD-100 glass for maximal color fidelity
  • High end 2,5" Hexafoc 10:1 DeLuxe Focuser
  • 2" 99% Diagonal included
  • Extension tubes for focusser (2pcs)
  • Dewshield slides onto tube for easy transport
  • Tube with 44mm GP universal dovetail (Fits Super/Great Polaris, EQ5, LXD75, EXOS-II)


% £1,249.00* (36.35% saved)


Product number: 0112086
GTIN/EAN: 4007922030937
Testbericht zu Explore Scientific ED APO 80mm f/6 FCD-100 Alu HEX
von Jochen Fehmer

Als ich den Explore Scientific ED 80 FCD 100 APO bekommen habe war meine Begeisterung aufgrund meiner Erfahrungen mit dem großen Bruder, dem ED 127 FCD 100 sehr euphorisch.  Da der 127 er zurzeit mein Lieblingsteleskop ist, lag die Messlatte sehr hoch.

Die ersten Bilder des Explore Scientific ED80 FCD 100. Sie wurden in Deutschland und auf Fuerteventura geschossen. Diese Bilder zeigen schon die Leistungsfähigkeit des Teleskops. Die Montierung bei allen Fotos war hoffnungslos überlastet, doch es sollte gezeigt werden, dass das Gerät sehr mobil ist. Kamera waren eine Canon EOS 6 D und eine Sony A 7 S.

Der Cheftechniker von BRESSER brachte mir das Teleskop ins Büro. Da lag er nun auf meinem Schreibtisch und mir fiel auf wie klein und handlich er gegenüber dem "Großen" war. Gut, 80 mm sind nicht 127 mm. Aber ich finde diese Größe von Teleskop sehr gut, denn die Einsatzgebiete sind enorm.

Im Prinzip sieht er genauso aus wie die anderen Teleskope der FCD 100 Reihe, alles ist identisch. Auch das Teleskop verfügt über den ultrastabilen Hexafoc Auszug. Dieser Okularauszug ist wirklich eine Spitzen Entwicklung. Wie schon beschrieben wird er durch den Sechskant  genau und stabil nachgeführt.  Wenn er auf einen Punkt fixiert ist, so bleibt er auch dort mit schwerer Kamera. In meinem Test war es die Canon EOS 6 D mit Batteriegriff und zwei Akkus. Er verrutschte keinen Millimeter. Zu Hause angekommen nahm ich die kurzen Wolkenlücken wahr um kurze Testaufnahmen zu machen.

Der Orion Nebel über den Kanaren. Es war eine nervenaufreibende Arbeit. Sehr viel Wind und eine unterdimensionierte Montierung. Zusätzlich regelmäßig erschrocken wenn die freilaufenden Ziegen mitten in der Nacht meckern!

Im Winter bietet sich da der Orion Nebel an, da er keine langen Belichtungszeiten erfordert. So konnte ich die kurzen Momente nutzen. Trotz Umbau der heimischen Sternwarte gelangen mir ein paar gute Aufnahmen. Wie auch bei dem anderen FCD war ich überwältigt von der Klarheit der Teleskopoptik. Die Sterne sind punktförmig bis zum Rand, die Farben klar und rein. Daraufhin freute ich mich auf die weiteren Tests. Ich hatte zwei Wochen Zeit mich mit dem Teleskop und der mobilen Montierung vertraut zu machen. Denn dann ging es los nach Fuerteventura. Dort sollte der Explore Scientific ED 80 FCD 100 APO zeigen was er unter sehr dunklen Himmel zu leisten vermag. Dass es eine Belastungsprobe für die Montierung werden würde war mir klar,  es wurde eine Zerreißprobe für meine Nerven. Der 80er wiegt knapp 3 Kilogramm, die Kamera 1,3 Kilogramm und die Gegengewichte um die 4 Kilogramm. Nicht zu vergessen den 9x50 Sucher und die Guiding Kamera.  Also reichlich Kilogramm montiert auf eine Montierung die mit maximal 5 Kilogramm Tragfähigkeit angegeben ist. Ob das gut geht? Eine andere Montierung kam nicht in Frage, denn es würde schon jetzt knapp werden mit dem Gepäck. Also ab zum Modellflugplatz in der Bauernschaft Stevede und aufbauen. Bis zur Montierung des Teleskops war alles gut, doch dann ging das Wackeln los. Ich probierte mehrere Stative aus bis ich zufrieden war. Es wackelte beim Fokussieren wie ein Windspiel aber es ging. Das Einstellen dauerte dann halt etwas länger. Dann stellte ich das Nachführprogramm PHD an meinem Laptop an. Zwar führte er nur in der RA-Achse nach, aber ohne wäre es gar nicht gegangen. Zu meinem Erstaunen lief die ganze Konstruktion 60 Sekunden punktförmig nach. Das freute mich sehr, denn es herrschten nicht gerade angenehme Temperaturen auf dem Modellflugplatz. Minus 7 Grad und nass. Die ersten Bilder auf dem Display ließen schon erahnen was da auf den Chip gebrannt wurde, ein gutes Bild  vom Flammen Nebel. So macht das Testen Spaß und man vergisst die Nasskälte.

Nach zwei Stunden waren dann die Akkus leer, nicht die vom Laptop oder von der Kamera sondern von mir. Der Explore Scientific ED 80 FCD 100 APO hat seine Sache ausgezeichnet gemacht. Mit der Montierung könnte es auf der windigen Insel Probleme geben, aber wer nichts wagt der gewinnt nie. Der Tag der Abreise kam näher und das Kofferpacken ging los, der Explore Scientific ED 80 FCD 100 APO sollte mit in den Koffer. Mittig eingepackt, Schrauben vom Sucher gelöst und daneben gelegt. Den Okularauszug ebenfalls gelöst, so konnte nichts mehr an dem Teleskop passieren. 19,8 Kilogramm,  passt. Warum ich auf dem Rückflug 3 Kilogramm mehr hatte bleibt ein Rätsel.

Die Insel Fuerteventura ist klasse, sie bietet einen fantastischen Sternenhimmel, aber leider ist sie die windigste der kanarischen Inseln. Ich fuhr mit dem Leihwagen durch die Berge zum astronomischen Aussichtspunkt der Insel auf 460 Meter Höhe. Der Fußweg bis zur Plattform beträgt zwar nur 500 Meter, aber die hatten es in sich. Das war kein Wind mehr, das war Sturm. Der Windschutz oben, der aus Steinen gebaut war brachte rein gar nichts. Die Aussicht und die Erklärungstafeln waren klasse, aber da oben Fotos machen? Das kann nichts werden, niemals. Zwei Nächte spielte das Wetter nicht mit, entweder starker Wind oder Wolken. Doch dann kam sie, die perfekte Nacht.

Ein kurzer Schnappschuss vom Pferdekopfnebel und dem Flammennebel. Leider wurden es nur ein paar Fotos, aufziehende Wolken machten weitere Fotos unmöglich. So ist das Wetter in Deutschland.

Windstill, 17 Grad warm und der Mond ging kurz nach eins unter. Ich fuhr um Mitternacht los, der Weg vom Hotel zur astronomischen Plattform dauerte nur 18 Minuten. Auf dem Parkplatz, direkt an der Straße baute ich in Ruhe auf. Ich habe mir sehr viel Zeit gelassen, sehr viel Zeit. Nach einer halben Stunde und perfekter Einordung und Fokussierung so gut es ging verabschiedete sich der Mond im Atlantik und dann wurde ein phantastischer Sternenhimmel sichtbar. Noch nie in meinem Leben habe ich die Wintermilchstraße so klar gesehen, geschweige denn so viele Sterne im Sternbild Orion. Ich konnte mit bloßem Auge den Rosettennebel erkennen. Dann begann die Belichtungstestreihe: Was geht, was ist zu viel. Dann wurde durch belichtet, nur der Orionnebel, der Flammennebel und der Pferdekopfnebel. Mehr wollte ich nicht, mich nur auf diese Objekte konzentrieren. Ab und zu frischte der Wind auf, so das nicht alles 100% war, aber der Explore Scientific 80 ED FCD 100 ist ein tolles Gerät, er macht so scharfe Abbildungen wie ein ansonsten dreifach teureres Teleskop, er ist sehr handlich und zur Not passt er auf eine Fotomontierung. Ich persönlich bin sehr überzeugt von ihm, sehr sogar. Mit seinem Preis von knapp 1000 Euro ist er ein Schnäppchen, und er ist jeden Euro wert. Es ist ein Teleskop fürs Leben, ein Zweitgerät für den mobilen Einsatz oder als Weitfeldteleskop und auch für die Landschaftbeobachtung bestens einsetzbar. Sie sollten aber auf jeden Fall den Flattener mit bestellen. Er korrigiert die bauartbedingte Vignettierung an den Rändern, damit werden die Sterne am Rand auch nadelfein. Ich freue mich, dass das Teleskop nun auch Ihnen zum Kauf zu Verfügung steht. Wir, die Astroabteilung der Firma Bresser würden uns über Ihre Erfahrungen die Sie mit dem Explore Scientific ED 80 FCD 100 APO gemacht haben sehr freuen. Mailen Sie uns und vergessen Sie nicht unserenFotowettbewerb

Product information "EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC ED APO 80mm f/6 FCD-100 Alu HEX "
Highly corrected 80mm air-spaced triplet apochromat (with three lenses) and aluminium tube and a 2.5" high-precision HEXAFOC focuser.   

Apochromats are the ultimate choice in small to medium sized telescopes: the combination of compactness, transportability, very high image contrast and sharpness together with the possibility to make excellent astrophotos cannot be bested. The advances in glass manufacturing during the last few years have made true apochromats available to more astronomy enthusiasts than ever before. The new Explore Scientific FCD-100 Alu Hex represents another major improvement in this field - the overall correction (color and spherical) is setting new standards in this price class. The optical design shows a polystrehl value of 0,97 indicating a level of correction that is absolutely top of the line.

This small excellent apochromat is a very versatile telescope: the fast f-ratio makes short exposure times possible. The high contrast and sharpness of the image provide breathtaking views of large objects like the North america nebula or the Andromeda galaxy as well as tack sharp planetary images. The telescope is lightweight and compact - the dew shield slides down the tube to minimize size for transportation. Revolutionary glass and precision manufacturing created a telescope that offers observing joy on the highest level. This does not only qualify this telescope as the ideal travel scope, it is also the perfect choice for fast observations and for astrophotography. The excellent 2,5" HEXAFOC focuser with 10:1 reduction is perfect for this - the large inner diameter of 65mm prevents vignetting by the focuser when the telescope is used for astrophotography with large sensors.

These very popular EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Triplet ED APO Refractors we do offer in 3 different product lines:

Essential Line: 
HOYA FCD-1 Glass lens, AL-Tube, 2.0" Rack&Pinion Focusser with 1:10, 2.0" Star Diagonal 99% Reflectivity (see Part No. 0112084(AL), 0112106(AL), 0112132(AL)), 0112155(CF + 3"FT)) 

Professional Line: 
HOYA FCD-100 Glas lens, AL/CF-Tube, 2.5" HEXAFOC Focusser with 1:10, 2.0" Star Diagonal 99% Reflectivity (see Part No. 0112086(AL), 0112108(AL), 0112109(CF), 0112134(AL), 0112135(CF))

High-End Line: 
OHARA FPL-53 Glass lens, Carbon(CF) Tube, 3.0" Feather-Touch Focusser with 1:10, 2.0" Star Diagonal 99% Reflectivity (see Part No. 0112165(CF))

  • Aperture: 80mm
  • Focal Length: 480mm
  • Focal ratio: f/6
  • Weigth: 2,6kg
  • Backfocus: 150mm above 2" adaptor
  • Design: Apochromat with three lenses, two air spaces and FCD-100 glass
  • Optical tube with retractable dew-shield 
  • 2.5" HEX focuser with 1:10 gear reduction 
  • 2" Star Diagonal 99% reflectivity 
  • Universal dovetail - GP level
  • Dust caps for front-lens and focuser 
  • Universal finder slot
Colour: white
Focus Group [Telescopes]: Advanced Amateurs, Specialists and Research, Visual enthusiasts
Focusing system: 2.5" Hexafoc DeLuxe with 10:1
Material: Aluminium
Material front lens or corrector plate: HOYA FCD-100
Mount Type [Telescopes]: Optics without Mount
Optical design: Apochomatic Refractor
Product Family [Telescopes]: Refractor telescope
Type of coating: Enhanced Multilayer Desposition (EMD)

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EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Zero X Field Flattener 2''/M48 for ED80, ED102 and ED127 APO
Field flattener without reduction factor for Explore Scientific ED80 , ED102 and ED127 APO Refractors The imaging plane of many telescopes is not flat but curved. This means that only the area in the centre is perfectly focused - the edge becomes blurred. The human eye can usually compensate for this image property, but a camera shows increasing blurriness towards the edge of the image field. The Explore Scientific Zero X field flattener eliminates the field curvature in many telescopes with a focal length of approx. 480 to 952 mm. The Zero X field flattener was calculated and developed for Explore Scientific ED80, ED102 and ED127 apochromats with focal ratios of F=6.0 and F=7.5. The image sharpness at the edge is dramatically increased. The stars appear round and no longer distorted - a clear benefit for the whole image aesthetics. The Zero X image flattener can be used not only with Explore Scientific Apos, but also with many other Apos. This flattener does not change the focal length of the telescope. Correction for up to full-frame camera sensors (24x36mm) The Explore Scientific Zero X image flattener has been developed due to the rapid development of ever larger camera sensors. With it, there is finally a field flattener available that illuminates and corrects the field of view for full-frame camera sensors up to 24x36 mm. How to use the Zero X field flattener with M48 thread connection This field flattener has a 2 inch (50.8 mm) plug-in connection on the telescope side, with which it is inserted into the telescope instead of an eyepiece or star diagonal mirror. On the camera side, there is a standardised M48 x 0.75 mm connection thread. This M48 connection thread offers a larger free inner diameter than the usual T2 (M42) thread and prevents vignetting when using large camera sensors. With an optionally available and camera-specific adapter ring, a DSLR camera can be connected to it. The working distance is already set at 55 mm. Of course, mirrorless cameras or special astro cameras can also be used with the M48 thread connection. For this, the appropriate M48 spacer sleeves or adapters are additionally required to set the right working distance of 55 mm. This must always be done with every corrector or field flattener so that the best possible field flattening is achieved.Filter thread on telescope side availableThe telescope-side 2.0 inch plug-in sleeve has an M48x0.75 filter thread (internal thread). Individual 2.0 inch colour or nebula filters can be inserted here to increase the contrast of the images.FEATURESField flattener for Explore Scientific ED80, ED102 and ED127 APO telescopesRemoves field curvature from telescopesProduces round stars even at the edge of the image fieldImage sharpness at the edge is drastically increasedA clear benefit for the whole image aestheticsCorrection of field curvature for up to full-frame camera sensors (24x36 mm)Image field flattener without reduction factorOn the telescope side with 2 inch (50.8 mm) plug-in connection and M48x0.75mm filter threadCamera side with large M48 threaded connectorWorking distance of 55 mm between field flattener and camera sensorFor telescopes with a focal length of approx. 480 to 952 mmOptimised for telescopes with focal ratios from F=6.0 to F=7.5Can also be used for various other APOsFully multi-coating on all lens surfacesHousing made of lightweight aluminium, black anodisedAluminium dust cap for M48 threadSCOPE OF DELIVERYZero X field flattener (1 piece)Dust caps

£129.00* £179.00* (27.93% saved)
EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 8x50 Finder and Guider Scope with Helical Focuser, 1.25inch and T2 connection
Universal 50mm viewfinder and guide telescope with a focal length of 220mmExcellent 8x50 viewfinder telescope with removable eyepiece unit and crosshairs with adjustable red illumination. The precise helical focuser and the 1.25 inch /31.7mm plug-in connection, as well as the T2 camera connection thread (M42x0.75mm), allow the autoguiding required for long time exposure to obtain a point-shaped star image. It can also be used as a mini travel telescope.High quality 8x50 viewfinder telescope with adjustable crosshair illuminationImage sharpness and viewing characteristics lift this viewfinder well above the level of the usual 8x50 viewfinder scopes. The visible image is bright and crisply sharp. Furthermore, this viewfinder has a very large field of view (FOV) of 6.96 degrees. This makes finding and adjusting objects much easier. The existing scale markings (pitch=1 degree) on the crosshairs are a good reference for estimating distances, and the open centre markings also make it easier to centre objects precisely. All lens surfaces are protected against weathering by multi-coating and guarantee a bright viewfinder image due to the high light transmission values. The adjustable red LED illumination unit is powered by two LR41 coin batteries. The main lens and the crosshairs can be focused independently of each other, giving you perfect focus for your eyes.Compact tracking unit for autoguidingOne of the main applications for this telescope is the so-called autoguiding. Here the usually larger photo-taking optics are actively corrected by a smaller guiding telescope with a second tracking camera. This means that the mechanical fluctuations in the tracking accuracy, which are present in all astronomical telescope mounts, are measured by the tracking camera and compensated accordingly. This is necessary in order to obtain a point-shaped star image on the astrophotos during long time exposures and to avoid unwanted star trails. For this purpose, the guiding telescope is inserted into the existing viewfinder shoe of the photo-taking optics and aligned parallel. If the existing viewfinder shoe is not compatible, a suitable viewfinder shoe is also included. With the 1.25 inch / 31,7mm plug connection at the rear end or via T2 thread connection (M42x0,75mm), a tracking camera can be mounted afterwards. This is held securely by a brass ring clamp and 3 clamping screws. Please note the required back focus for your tracking camera. The focal plane (backfocus) is approx. 22mm behind the T2 thread. The sensitive focusing on the guiding star is done by a large knurled wheel of the mechanically precise manufactured helical focuser. For easy reproduction of the point of focus, this has a white millimetre scale from 0 to 28mm, which is attached by laser engraving. After the tracking camera has been connected directly or via computer to the telescope mount and the necessary basic settings have been made, the first astrophotos with long time exposure can be taken.Use as mini travel telescopeThis viewfinder and guide telescope can also be used quite simply as a mini travel telescope. With the optional eyepieces, a magnification of 8x to 40x can be achieved. Nearly all eyepieces with a focal length of 5 to 26mm and 1.25 inch/31.7mm plug connection are suitable. Especially recommended are the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC eyepieces of the 52 degree (Art. 02195xx) and 62 degree (02196xx) LER series. Note: Only straight view use is possible.Metal viewfinder holder and viewfinder shoeThe mount of this viewfinder and guide telescope is completely made of aluminium and is a stable base. The viewfinder mount is suitable for many common types of telescopes, such as EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC, BRESSER MESSIER etc. If the existing viewfinder shoe is not compatible, a matching viewfinder shoe is also included. This can be attached to the telescopic tube by means of four M5 screws. The bore distances of the viewfinder shoe are 31.7mm on the longitudinal and transverse axis. The six large adjustment screws with non-slip knurling make it easy to align the viewfinder, even with clammy fingers. All adjusting and clamping screws have plastic tips that effectively prevent the viewfinder housing and viewfinder mount from being scratched.FEATURESExcellent 8x50 viewfinder and guiding telescopeCan also be used as mini travel telescopePerfect image sharpness and good viewing comfortFMC Multi-coated lens surfacesLens focal length: 220mmMax. possible camera weight: 550gRemovable eyepiece/cross hair unitCamera connection via 1.25 inch / 31.7mm plug connection or T2 threadT2 thread: M42 x 0,75mmPrecise helical focuser for focusing the visible imageFocuser travel range: 28mmClose focus distance: 3 mLaser engraved millimetre scale from 0 to 28mm on the focuserFocal plane (backfocus) is approx. 22mm behind the T2 threadSeparate focusing of the crosshair at the eyepieceVery large field of view FOV of 6.96 degreesWith adjustable red cross-hair iillumination Scale markings crosshair with 1.0 degree graduationPower supply of illumination unit: coin battery type LR41 (2pcs)Brass ring clamp and 3 clamping screws on the 1.25 inch plug connectionWith optional eyepieces magnifications from 8x to 40x can be achievedSuitable are almost all eyepieces with 1.25 inch/31,7mm shaftMounting of the viewfinder telescope is completely made of aluminiumViewfinder mount with 6 large adjustment screws with knurled head for easy gripFinder shoe suitable for EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC, BRESSER MESSIER etc.Additionally a suitable viewfinder shoe is includedBore distances of the viewfinder shoe are 31.7mm on the longitudinal and transverse axisAdjusting and clamping screws have plastic tipsSCOPE OF DELIVERY8x50 viewfinder/guiding telescopeEyepiece unit with crosshairCrosshair illumination unit incl. batteriesViewfinder holder with viewfinder shoeInstruction manual

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 10x60 Finder and Guider Scope with Helical Focuser, 1.25inch and T2 connection
Universal 60mm viewfinder and guide telescope with a focal length of 250mmExcellent 10x60 viewfinder telescope with removable eyepiece unit and crosshairs with adjustable red illumination. The larger aperture and focal length, provide an even brighter field of view and more accurate tracking due to the higher resolution. The precise helical focuser and the 1.25 inch /31.7mm plug-in connection, as well as the T2 camera connection thread (M42x0.75mm), allow the autoguiding required for long time exposure to obtain a point-shaped star image. It can also be used as a mini travel telescope.High quality 10x60 viewfinder telescope with adjustable crosshair illuminationImage sharpness and viewing characteristics lift this viewfinder well above the level of the usual 10x60 viewfinder scopes. The visible image is bright and crisply sharp. Furthermore, this viewfinder has a very large field of view (FOV) of 6.0 degrees. This makes finding and adjusting objects much easier. The existing scale markings (pitch=0.85 degree) on the crosshair are a good reference for estimating distances, and the open centre markings also make it easier to centre objects precisely. All lens surfaces are protected against weathering by multi-coating and guarantee a bright viewfinder image due to the high light transmission values. The adjustable red LED illumination unit is powered by two LR41 coin batteries. The main lens and the crosshairs can be focused independently of each other, giving you perfect focus for your eyes.Compact tracking unit for autoguidingOne of the main applications for this telescope is the so-called autoguiding. Here the usually larger photo-taking optics are actively corrected by a smaller guiding telescope with a second tracking camera. This means that the mechanical fluctuations in the tracking accuracy, which are present in all astronomical telescope mounts, are measured by the tracking camera and compensated accordingly. This is necessary in order to obtain a point-shaped star image on the astrophotos during long time exposures and to avoid unwanted star trails. For this purpose, the guiding telescope is inserted into the existing viewfinder shoe of the photo-taking optics and aligned parallel. If the existing viewfinder shoe is not compatible, a suitable viewfinder shoe is also included. With the 1.25 inch / 31,7mm plug connection at the rear end or via T2 thread connection (M42x0,75mm), a tracking camera can be mounted afterwards. This is held securely by a brass ring clamp and 3 clamping screws. Please note the required back focus for your tracking camera. The focal plane (backfocus) is approx. 22mm behind the T2 thread. The sensitive focusing on the guiding star is done by a large knurled wheel of the mechanically precise manufactured helical focuser. For easy reproduction of the point of focus, this has a white millimetre scale from 0 to 28mm, which is attached by laser engraving. After the tracking camera has been connected directly or via computer to the telescope mount and the necessary basic settings have been made, the first astrophotos with long time exposure can be taken.Use as mini travel telescopeThis viewfinder and guide telescope can also be used quite simply as a mini travel telescope. With the optional eyepieces, a magnification of 9x to 50x can be achieved. Nearly all eyepieces with a focal length of 5 to 26mm and 1.25 inch/31.7mm plug connection are suitable. Especially recommended are the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC eyepieces of the 52 degree (Art. 02195xx) and 62 degree (02196xx) LER series. Note: Only straight view use is possible.Metal viewfinder holder and viewfinder shoeThe mount of this viewfinder and guide telescope is completely made of aluminium and is a stable base. The viewfinder mount is suitable for many common types of telescopes, such as EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC, BRESSER MESSIER etc. If the existing viewfinder shoe is not compatible, a matching viewfinder shoe is also included. This can be attached to the telescopic tube by means of four M5 screws. The bore distances of the viewfinder shoe are 31.7mm on the longitudinal and transverse axis. The six large adjustment screws with non-slip knurling make it easy to align the viewfinder, even with clammy fingers. All adjusting and clamping screws have plastic tips that effectively prevent the viewfinder housing and viewfinder mount from being scratched.FEATURESExcellent 10x60 viewfinder and guiding telescopeCan also be used as mini travel telescopePerfect image sharpness and good viewing comfortFMC Multi-coated lens surfacesLens focal length: 250mmMax. possible camera weight: 550gRemovable eyepiece/cross hair unitCamera connection via 1.25 inch / 31.7mm plug connection or T2 threadT2 thread: M42 x 0,75mmPrecise helical focuser for focusing the visible imageFocuser travel range: 28mmClose focus distance: 3 mLaser engraved millimetre scale from 0 to 28mm on the focuserFocal plane (backfocus) is approx. 22mm behind the T2 threadSeparate focusing of the crosshair at the eyepieceVery large field of view FOV of 6.0 degreesWith adjustable red cross-hair iillumination Scale markings crosshair with 0,85 degree graduationPower supply of illumination unit: coin battery type LR41 (2pcs)Brass ring clamp and 3 clamping screws on the 1.25 inch plug connectionWith optional eyepieces magnifications from 9x to 50x can be achievedSuitable are almost all eyepieces with 1.25 inch/31,7mm shaftMounting of the viewfinder telescope is completely made of aluminiumViewfinder mount with 6 large adjustment screws with knurled head for easy gripFinder shoe suitable for EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC, BRESSER MESSIER etc.Additionally a suitable viewfinder shoe is includedBore distances of the viewfinder shoe are 31.7mm on the longitudinal and transverse axisAdjusting and clamping screws have plastic tipsWHAT'S INCLUDED10x60 viewfinder/guiding telescopeEyepiece unit with crosshairCrosshair illumination unit incl. batteriesViewfinder holder with viewfinder shoeInstruction manual

BRESSER Messier EXOS-2 EQ GoTo Mount
BRESSER EXOS-2 GoTo Equatorial Mount. Mount, tripod and hand box with computer. This German mount has tracking motors in both axes that follow celestial objects very precisely.The handbox with GoTo works reliable and controls the mount in every situation. Precise ball bearings in both axes ensures minimal backlash at all nine possible tracking speeds.The battery pack (12 V) is conveniently fastened to the tripod shelf and takes eight size "D" batteries.The mount rests on a very tough and rigid stainless steel tripod and can take optical tubes of up to 13 kg. GOTO - Stargazing at the push of a button! The Startracker GoTo System enables beginners to start astronomical observations in just a few minutes, and guides you to objects that are hard to localize through a standard finder scope.Just push the button and the GoTo System will find planets, nebulae or galaxies for you and position your telescope automatically and precise.The GoTo System database includes thousands of astronomical objects.The Messier mount with GoTo System allows you to observe without tedious searching, or image faint objects that are hard to find in a standard finder scope.The BRESSER StarTracker GoTo systems uses servo motors for both axes and features an ST-4 compatible autoguiding input. Guiding aggressivity can be set on the mount itself. The menu navigation of the Startracker Handbox is also multilingual and offers the settings of German, English, French, Spanish and Italian.CHARACTERISTICS MOUNT Stable parallactic mount with fine drive in both axes Ball bearings in both axes for more precise movements Stable height adjustable stainless steel tripod ( Min. 69cm / Max. 109,5cm ) Load capacity up to 13 kg payload Circular bubble for easy horizontal alignment GoTo Mount with motors and hand box controller, for easy finding and guiding moon, planets, stars and much more ST-4 compatible autoguider interface Pole height scale for setting the latitude Scaled graduated circular rings to facilitate finding objects using a star atlas or planetarium software Pole finder scope with optional illumination ( item no. 4964212 ) Tripod weight: 4.7 kg Mount weight: 6.7 kg (without counterweight) Total weight incl. counterweight: 15.9 kg Batteries: not included SCOPE OF DELIVERY Equatorial EXOS 2 GOTO mount with stainless steel tripod and Startracker handcontroller Adjustable polar finder scope with optional illumination Stainless steel tube field tripod with accessory tray 1 x 4.5 kg counterweight

BRESSER Twilight I telescope mount with tripod
The Twilight I is a light-to-medium-duty alt-azimuth mount with tripod designed to quickly and easily accept small to medium sized refractors, such as the AR102 + AR127s or ED102mm + ED127, and of course, the ED80mm. Lightweight, fast Newtonians will also match up nicely with the BRESSER Twilight I mount. As long as your telescope does not exceed 18 pounds and has a Vixen-Style Universal Dovetail bar for mounting the telescope to the mount head, you are good to go. The Twilight I alt-azimuth mount head is made of powder-coated aluminum and there are worm gears on both axes. The adjustable angle head can be tilted forward or back at a 45° angle to allow more clearance for your telescope so you can point it straight up for viewing at the zenith. The Allen hex wrench for doing the mount head adjustment can be safely stored at the integrated magnetic holder.  Slow-motion control cables are attached on the vertical and horizontal axes, and are easy to turn during the night, even with gloves on, due to the over-sized knurled knobs that are attached to the end of each cable. They can be attached to either side of each axis to accommodate right or left-handed users, or different types of telescopes (e.g. refractors vs. Newtonian reflectors) for ease of adjustment. The stainless steel tripod that comes standard with the Twilight I mount has adjustable legs and a wide foot print of 42 inches, which makes the tripod more stable. A spreader bar locks against the inside of the legs to secure the tripod even further, and keep vibrations to a minimum. SCOPE OF DELIVERYTwilight I Telescope MountStainless Steel Field tripod

BRESSER Messier EXOS 1/EQ-4 Mount
Mount and Tripod. The BRESSER Messier beginners series of telescopes. Within this series you find smaller optics mounted stable on the new BRESSER EXOS 1 mount. This combination means more value for money and puts an end to flimsy beginners scopes which discourage most of the beginners due to small, under engineered mounts. The EXOS 1 with a robust stainless steel tripod bears optical tubes weighing up to 7kg stable for visual observation. The optional motor drive for the RA axis makes usage even more comfortable, so there is no need of manual tracking and the object is kept steadily in the field of view.FEATURES Stable parallactic mount with fine drive in both axes Circular bubble level for easy horizontal alignment Stable height-adjustable stainless steel tripod Retrofittable with a tracking motor for the right ascension axis Pole height scale for setting the latitude Scaled graduated circular rings for easier finding of objects by means of star atlas or planetarium software Tripod weight: 4.7 kg Mount weight: 4 kg (without counterweight) Total weight incl. counterweight: 13.2 kg SCOPE OF DELIVERYEXOS 1 German equatorial mountstainless steel tube field tripod1 x 4.5 kg counterweight

Super robust flight-case suitable for all Explore Scientific ED80 APO telescopes with white aluminum tube.

BRESSER BinoViewer Deluxe 1.25''
You see better with two eyesThe BRESSER BinoViewer Deluxe makes it possible to observe astronomical objects in a relaxed way with both eyes and with considerably more detail than using one eye. The images created of the moon, planets and globular clusters are particularly impressive. But also with deep-sky objects such as the Orion Nebula the detection of details is much easier. At the same time this binoviewer is very easy to handle. Thanks to the newly patented optical system you can get into focus with any telescope. All you need is a pair of identical eyepieces to enjoy this dramatic and immersive viewing experience.How to use the BinoViewer? Since the BRESSER BinoViewer Deluxe does not require an additional light path (back focus), it can be used with any telescope - including Newtonians and short focus refracting telescopes, which traditionally suffered when using standard binoviewers. No light path corrector or similar accessory is necessary. If a standard 1.25'' eyepiece can be focused, the binoviewer will also work. The eyepiece focal length and field of view size of the eyepieces used are fully retained. As with binoculars one eyepiece is focused first using the telescope focuser. Then the second eyepiece can be brought into focus using the helical focuser on the binoviewer. The required interpupillary distance is then elegantly adjusted to a range of 58–74mm with the help of a linear sliding mechanism, with graduated marker, to help you find your ideal interocular setting quickly.  Self-centring helical eyepiece grips, rather than side-mounted thumbscrew eyepiece retainers are used, decreasing the chance of offsetting collimation of both eyepiece to each other.  The fact that this design of binoviewer uses a well-engineered linear slide mechanism to adjust interpupillary distance, rather than a cheaper-to-produce traditional hinged design also helps retention of collimation.Which objects can be observed with this accessory?Actually, all objects that were previously observed with the telescope in question, but only monocularly with one eye. Because there is no magnification factor at the binoviewer, even low magnifications can be achieved. This makes not only the moon, planets and globular clusters, but also the brighter deep-sky objects very interesting observation targets. The use of two eyes leads to a more relaxed view than using one eye alone.  Although true depth of field viewing at infinity is a little beyond most telescopes and binoviewers, users will note how the human brain attempts to impose depth of field ("3d-like") effects on stereo views through binoviewers.  The biggest difference that most observers comment upon when comparing views through binoviewers like these, as opposed to single monocular eyepiece views, is the extra detail that can be seen in most observable targets.  Relaxed viewing and extra detail in objects are the two main benefits of binoviewing, which the BRESSER Bino Viewer Deluxe 1.25'' delivers in abundance.Also ideal as an accessory for solar telescopesA very special application is the use of the BRESSER BinoViewer Deluxe in combination with all solar telescopes. The spherical shape of the sun with all its surface details is shown very impressively.  The depth of field effects of seeing filaments silhouetted against the solar surface are particularly enjoyable to observe.Important note: Do not use the BRESSER Binoviwer Deluxe without a suitable solar telescope or a safe solar filter in front of the telescopes objective lens . Otherwise, there is an acute risk of going blind.High-quality mechanics and materialsThe entire BRESSER BinoViewer Deluxe is made of high-quality materials. Except for the outer plastic covers all components are made of anodised aluminium. Particularly remarkable are the low-backlash sliding mechanism for adjusting the interpupillary distance and the precise rotary clamping of both eyepiece adapters. The wide clamping surface holds the eyepieces in place securely and also centres them automatically on the optical axis. The one-sided dioptric adjustment has a backlash-free helical drive and enables the finest corrections. For safe transport a high-quality hard-shell transport case is included in the scope of delivery.Which eyepieces can be used?All eyepieces with a 1.25'' barrel and a field stop of up to 22mm. Depending on the interpupillary distance the outer diameter of the eyepiece housing should not exceed a value of approximately 50 mm.Filter thread 1.25'' availableNo 2nd filter sets are necessary to operate the BRESSER Binocular Approach Deluxe. The desired colour or nebula filter can be screwed directly into the 1.25'' nosepiece. in this configuration, when changing the eyepieces to affect a change in magnification, no swapping of filters is necessary.  Unique mirror-lens system with Ohara (Japan) lanthanum glass material The BRESSER Binocular Viewer Deluxe is equipped with a unique mirror-lens system. This has the advantage of higher light transmission and less color aberration. The resulting image is simply brighter and sharper. To achieve this the exclusive Ohara (Japan) lanthanum glass material has been used and in addition all optical surfaces are equipped with a full multi-layer broadband coating. Finally the beam-splitting mirror has a 99% dielectric coating and completes the excellent optical design.FEATURESEnables binocular observations with all telescopesRelaxed and comfortable viewingThree-dimensional viewing experienceSuitable for all telescopes with 1.25'' eyepiece connectionNo additional light path requiredNo magnification factor at the binocular attachmentEven low magnifications with large fields of view are achievableFor observing moon, planets and deep sky objectsPrecise and robust mechanicsSliding mechanism to adjust the interpupillary distanceDioptric compensation via fine helical driveWide eyepiece rotation clamp with automatic centeringFilter thread 1.25'' (M28.5 x 0.6mm) availableLens and mirror design made of finest Ohara (Japan) lanthanum glass materialAdvanced broadband multilayer coating on all optical surfaces99 % dielectric-coated beam-splitting mirrorHigh-quality hard-shell carrying case includedWHAT'S INCLUDEDBino Viewer DeluxeDust capsCarrying case 

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Two-Room Pop-UP Observatory Tent / Weather protection for telescopes
The Explore Scientific Two Room Pop-Up Observatory is a useful weatherproof tent that protects your valuable equipment from wind, dew, rain and dust. Most amateur astronomers and astrophotographers dream of having an observatory to keep dust, dew and wind away from their telescope and to shield disturbing stray light from their telescope's optics. But for many astronomers, an observatory is only a dream because of the cost of a roll-roof building or an observatory dome. There is also the problem that an observatory building needs a permanent location that is suitable for an observatory. Portable, quick to set up and inexpensive A good solution is a portable observatory tent. Compared to their fixed counterparts, a tent is extremely inexpensive and can be set up almost anywhere there is a flat surface and a clear view of the sky. However, setting up a portable observatory tent can also be a hassle. No one wants to waste their valuable observing time reading complex instructions while trying to figure out which pole goes where. For this reason, we have used a sturdy pop-up design. Setting up the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Pop-Up Observatory can be done in a matter of minutes. By releasing a retaining strap, the complete tent unfolds from its packaging in just a few seconds. You really don't need to do anything other than connect the two observatory rooms with a Velcro seam and attach it to the ground. Thanks to this simple design, the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Pop-Up Observatory can be set up and taken down in just a few minutes, giving you plenty of time to enjoy your astronomy weekend. Plenty of space for your equipment and super compact when folded up. With just under 5 square metres of total space and 1.52 metre high side walls, coupled with 1.83 metre high windscreens, the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Pop-Up Observatory allows you to set up your computer equipment in one room and the telescope in the other, or set up two complete telescope systems. Each room is 152 by 152 centimetres. Mobile observatory with compact transport dimensions In addition to being easy to set up and take down, another advantage of the pop-up design is that it is travel-friendly, as it is light and easy to stow away. The entire observatory tent folds down to a package 70 centimetres in diameter and 10 centimetres thick. This allows it to be transported in a small car or even on a flight for distant expeditions. And apart from the fact that it allows you to go to your favourite observing site at any time, portable observatory tents are usually the first choice for astronomers and astrophotographers attending star party events.  Advanced materials provide optimal protection and durability However, the fact that the EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Pop-Up Observatory is lightweight and easy to store and set up doesn't mean it can't withstand bad weather conditions. The Black-Out coated polyamide material is waterproof and offers excellent UV protection. This guarantees reliable protection for your equipment as well as long-lasting durability of the observatory tent. Large doors for convenient use The doors to enter the observatory tent and pass through the attached rooms are very generously sized at 102 centimetres high and 92 centimetres wide, so you can easily walk in and through your equipment. The doors roll down to keep moisture out and their heavy-duty zips will last for years. The extra weather cover protects your gear when not in use. With the large weather cover included, you can protect your gear from the hot sun or a surprise rain shower during the day. Or even from dew at night. The modern, coated and waterproof material keeps all unwanted weather influences away from your equipment. Included are cords and pegs to tie down the tent. The structure also has additional holding straps for the use of heavy-duty straps, which can be purchased at local hardware stores. PRODUCT VIDEO:  https://youtu.be/1rL5PzPa-dQ FEATURESPractical weather protection for telescopes Protects your equipment from wind, dew, rain and dust Mobile observatory: portable, quickly assembled, reasonably priced Compact transport size also suitable for air travel 5 square metres of space for your equipment and sufficient freedom of movement Interior dimensions: 152 x 304cm Side wall height 152cm / windbreak wall height 183cm Large 102 x 92cm doors for ease of use Additional weather protection cover included Advanced materials provide optimum protection and durability Cords and pegs included to tie down the tent Additional tie downs for heavy duty straps included Transport dimensions and weight: diameter 70cm, height 10cm, 3kg Colour tent material: black SCOPE OF DELIVERY Two-room pop-up observatory tent Weather protection cover Set of cords and pegs

One of the most important obstacles for the exploration of the night sky is the brightening of the night sky by artificial lights, such as streetlights. The night sky is not really dark in the vicinity of towns or cities, which reduces the visibility of objects beyond the solar system enormously. Depending on the type of the celestial object, it is possible to dramatically increase the contrast by blocking annoying artificial light. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC UHC filter "zeros in" on the wavelengths of so-called emission nebulae. Those objects glow in special colours - their emission lines. Those emission lines are linked to chemical elements - in this case hydrogen at 486nm and 656nm, plus oxygen at 496nm and 501nm. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC UHC nebula filter blocks all other colour wavelengths (and thereby nearly all of artificial light) and only the emission line of the hydrogen and oxygen can pass the filter. The result is astonishing: suddenly nebulae are visible at locations that were completely invisible from, without filters. In suburban skies, for example the Owl-nebula M97, the Veil-nebula NGC 6992 or even the bright Dumbell-nebula M27 are not clearly visible. Using this filter allows you to see nebulae and their structures in much finer detail. A must for every visual observer. The Explore Scientific nebula filters come with a individual test certificate - your guarantee to receive a premium filter.

One of the most important obstacles for the exploration of the night sky is the brightening of the night sky by artificial lights, such as streetlights. The night sky is not really dark in the vicinity of towns or cities, which reduces the visibility of objects beyond the solar systems enormously. Depending on the type of the celestial object it is possible to increase the contrast dramatically by blocking the annoying artificial light. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC O-III filter uses a characteristic property of the so called emission nebulae. Those objects glow in special colours, the so called emission lines. Those emission lines are linked to chemical elements - in this case oxygen. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC O-III nebula filter blocks all other colours (and thereby nearly all of the artificial light) and only the two emission lines of the oxygen can pass the filter. The result is astonishing: suddenly nebulae are visible at locations that were completely empty without filters. In suburban skies for example the veil nebula NGC 6992 is almost not visible with a 200mm telescope. By using this filter you can see the nebula and its structures without problems. A must for every visual observer. The EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC nebula filters come with a individual test certificate - your guarantee to receive a premium filter.FEATURESenables the observation of so called emission nebulaeblocks almost the entire artificial lightonly the two emission lines of ionised oxygen passes the filterWHAT'S INCLUDED1x 2" O-III nebula filter

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 2" H-Beta Nebula Filter
One of the most important obstacles for the exploration of the night sky is the brightening of the night sky by artificial lights, such as streetlights. The night sky is not really dark in the vicinity of towns or cities, which reduces the visibility of objects bejond the solar systems enourmously. Depending on the type of the celestial object it is possible to increase the contrast dramatically by blocking the annoying artifical light. The Explore Scientific H-beta filter uses a characteristic property of the so called emmission nebulae. Those objekcts glow in special colors, the so called emmission lines. Those emmission lines are linked to chemical elements - in this case hydrogen. The Explore Scientific H-beta nebula filter blocks all other colors (and thereby nearly all of the artificial light) and only the emmission line of the hydrogen can pass the filter. The result is astonoishing: suddenly nebulae are visible at locations that were completely empty without filters. In suburbian skies for example the horsehead nebula is almost not visible with a 300mm telescope. By using this filter you can see the nebula and its structures without problems. A must for every visual observer. The Explore Scientific nebula filters come with a individual test certificate - your guarantee to receive a premium filter.

£24.00* £121.00* (80.17% saved)
EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC OPTOLONG 2" L-Pro Deep-Sky Light Pollution Filter
LPS filter L-Pro for deep sky nebula constellation photography. The relentless spread or urbanization and its associated light pollution have become a growing problem for all amateur astro photographers. The current solutions to the problem can be expensive and might include the purchase of a monochrome camera, several types of narrowband filters and a filter wheel. Especially with inexpensive newtonian telescopes, double-lens ED refractors or even achromats, the L-Pro filters open up completely new possibilities for the capture of high-class astronomical images even out of the light polluted city. CMOS cameras can deliver images like monochrome cameras. This new generation of filters makes it possible to take amazing astrophotos directly from the light-polluted city with all its artificial light sources.L-Pro is a multi-bandpass filter which offers better color balance by maximizing the transmission band. The balanced transmission allows astrophotos to be taken with minimal color cast to broadband emission objects such as galaxies, reflection nebulae and globular star clusters. L-Pro is the best choice for light pollution suppression. L-Pro description L-Pro (L-Professional) filter is designed to improve the visibility of various deepsky objects. By selectively reducing the transmission of wavelengths of light pollutants, specifically those produced by artificial lightings including mercury vapor lamps, both high & low pressure sodium vapor lights and the unwanted natural light caused by neutral oxygen emission in our atmosphere (i.e. skyglow). Together with the highly transparent in main nebula emission lines at OIII (496nm and 500nm), H-beta (486nm), NII (654nm and 658nm), H-alpha (656nm) as well as SII (672nm), the filter is suitable for enhancing the contrast and details for both visual and photograghic purpose at sub-rural areas with heavy light pollution. L-Pro is a multi-bandpass filter which offers better color balance by maximizing the transmission band. The balanced transmission allows astrophotos to be taken with minimal color cast to broadband emission objects such as galaxies, reflection nebulae and globular star clusters. L-Pro is the best choice for light pollution suppression. Main use and performance Suitable for visual observation and astrophotography. L-Pro filter has a very low transmission reduction rate against continuous spectrum space objects, and thus is quite effective in suppressing light pollution sources when shooting galaxies, reflection nebulae and globular star clusters. The same holds true for visual star observations. L-Pro filter alone can suppress infrared wavelength, and thus can be used at ease for ''L'' image shootings with CCDs. Light pollution filters do not eliminate the effects of light pollution or increase the object’s brightness. In many cases, they increase the contrast between nebula and night sky, not brightening the nebula. WARNING: These nebula filters are not designed for sun observation. DO NOT LOOK AT THE SUN WITH THIS FILTER. You will go BLIND if you ignore this warning.Coating technology L-Pro has a multiple anti-reflective coating on the optical substrate. The L-Pro filter uses a precision coating based on ion deposition coating technology. This ensures durability and scratch resistance as well as stability on the CWL (central wavelength), which is not affected by temperature changes. Absolute precision and homogeneity of the coatings as well as maximum values for transmission in the passband and optical density in the off-band range are guaranteed for all filters. FEATURES Professional visual and photographic filter for astronomy Improves deep sky nebula constellation photography Best choice for broadband light pollution suppressionFilter diameter: 2.0 inch / 50.8mm Connecting thread: M48x0.75mmSelected optical glass material Spectrum: 380-750nm Surface Quality: 60/40 (Refer to MIL-O-13830) Fine-optically polished glass to ensure accurate 1/4 wavefront and highest parallelism over the both surfaces High transmission at major nebula emission lines (i.e. H-alpha 656nm, OIII 496nm&500nm, SII 672nm and H-beta 486nm)Precision off-band blocking, specifically the major emission lines of artificial light pollution (i.e. Na 589nm, Hg 435nm and 578nm)SCOPE OF DELIVERY L-Pro filter (1pc) Dust protection box (1pc)

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC OPTOLONG 2'' L-eNhance Deep-Sky Light Pollution Filter
L-eNhance Filter for deep sky nebula photography from the cityThe relentless spread or urbanization and its associated light pollution have become a growing problem for all amateur astro photographers. The current solutions to the problem can be expensive and might include the purchase of a monochrome camera, several types of narrowband filters and a filter wheel. Especially with inexpensive newtonian telescopes, double-lens ED refractors or even achromats, the L-eNhance filters open up completely new possibilities for the capture of high-class astronomical images even out of the light polluted city. CMOS cameras can deliver images like monochrome cameras. This new generation of filters makes it possible to take amazing astrophotos directly from the light-polluted city with all its artificial light sources. The narrow bandpass for the wavelengths of O-III, H-Beta and H-Alpha and the almost complete attenuation of the interfering light sources of these new filters make this an ideal solution. L-eNhance Description  L-eNhance provides an economical and practical solution for amateurs. It is a tri-band pass filter which has been designed for DSLR (digital SLR), color CMOS and monochrome CCD cameras. The convenience and cost-effectiveness of this filter allows amateurs to take a rich selection of astronomical images, even in bright, heavily light-polluted areas. We believe the design of our L-eNhance filter is a technical innovation among filters. It effectively isolates the H-Alpha, H-Beta, and Oxygen III nebula emission lines and achieves a maximum transmission of up to 90%. The performance of this filter delivers images that superbly control the impact from light polluted skies.  Main Use and PerformanceThis new generation of filters makes it possible to take amazing astrophotos directly from the light-polluted city with all its artificial light sources. The narrow bandpass for the wavelengths of O-III, H-Beta and H-Alpha and the almost complete attenuation of the interfering light sources do not require very large or extremely expensive telescopes. No, especially with inexpensive newtonian telescopes, double-lens ED refractors or even achromats, these filters open up completely new possibilities for high-class astronomical images. Furthermore, with the help of these filters, CMOS colour cameras can deliver an image quality that comes close to CCD monochrome cameras. WARNING: These nebula filters are not designed for sun observation. DO NOT LOOK AT THE SUN WITH THIS FILTER. You will go BLIND if you ignore this warning. Coating technology L-eNhance has a multiple anti-reflective coating on the optical substrate. The L-eNhance filter uses a precision coating based on ion deposition coating technology. This ensures durability and scratch resistance as well as stability on the CWL (central wavelength), which is not affected by temperature changes. Absolute precision and homogeneity of the coatings as well as maximum values for transmission in the passband and optical density in the off-band range are guaranteed for all filters. FEATURES Professional photographic filter for astronomy Improves deep sky emission nebula photography Best choice for enhanced light pollution suppression For taking pictures also from highly light-polluted areas Tri-band filter with high transmission for O-III, H-Beta and H-Alpha linesDoes not require very large or extremely expensive telescopesExcellent results also with inexpensive newtonian telescopes, double-lens ED refractors or even achromatsCMOS colour cameras can deliver an image quality that comes close to CCD monochrome cameras Balanced colour for a natural image Filter diameter: 2,0 inches / 50,8 mm Connecting thread: M48x0.75mmSelected optical glass material Spectrum: 300-1000nm Off-Band Blocking: > 99% Surface Quality: 60/40 (Refer to MIL-O-13830) Fine-optically polished to ensure accurate 1/4 wavefront and highest parallelism over the both surfacesHigh transmission at major nebula emission lines (i.e. H-alpha 656nm, OIII 496nm&500nm and H-beta 486nm). SCOPE OF DELIVERY L-eNhance filter (1pc) Dust protection box (1pc)

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC OPTOLONG 2'' L-eXtreme Deep-Sky Light Pollution Filter
L-eXtreme Filter for deep sky nebula photography from the city The relentless spread or urbanization and its associated light pollution have become a growing problem for all amateur astro photographers. The current solutions to the problem can be expensive and might include the purchase of a monochrome camera, several types of narrowband filters and a filter wheel. Especially with inexpensive but fast newtonian telescopes, double-lens ED refractors or even achromats, the L-eXtreme filters open up completely new possibilities for high-class astronomical images even from the light polluted city. CMOS cameras can deliver images like monochrome cameras. This new generation of filters makes it possible to take amazing astrophotos directly from the heavily light-polluted city with all its artificial light sources. The dual narrow bandpass for the wavelengths of O-III and H-Alpha and the almost complete attenuation of the interfering light sources of these new filters make this an ideal solution. L-eXtreme Description L-eXtreme is a two 7nm narrow bandpass filter which can be used with one-shot color cameras like DSLRs (digital SLR), color CMOS and monochrome CCD cameras. The convenience and cost-effectiveness of this filter allows amateurs to photograph rich emission nebulas, even in bright, heavily light-polluted skies. The L-eXtreme filter is the better choice for fast optical systems at a competitive price. It isolates the H-Alpha and Oxygen III nebula emission lines so that the contrast and signal-to-noise ratio between nebulae are maximized. The design of our L-eNhance filter is a technical innovation among filters. For people who live in heavily light polluted areas or when the moon is out, the L-eXtreme is a very good choice. Main Use and Performance This new generation of filters makes it possible to take amazing astrophotos directly from the light-polluted city with all its artificial light sources. The narrow bandpass for the wavelengths of O-III and H-Alpha and the almost complete attenuation of the interfering light sources do not require very large or extremely expensive telescopes. No, especially with inexpensive but fast newtonian telescopes, double-lens ED refractors or even achromats, these filters open up completely new possibilities for high-class astronomical images. Furthermore, with these filters CMOS colour cameras can deliver an image quality that comes close to CCD monochrome cameras. WARNING: These nebula filters are not designed for sun observation. DO NOT LOOK AT THE SUN WITH THIS FILTER. You will go BLIND if you ignore this warning. Coating technology L-eXtreme has a multiple anti-reflective coating on the optical substrate. The L-eXtreme filter uses a precision coating based on ion deposition coating technology. This ensures durability and scratch resistance as well as stability on the CWL (central wavelength), which is not affected by temperature changes. Absolute precision and homogeneity of the coatings as well as maximum values for transmission in the passband and optical density in the off-band range are guaranteed for all filters.  FEATURESProfessional photographic filter for astronomyImproves deep sky emission nebula photography Best choice for extreme light pollution suppression For taking pictures also from highly light-polluted areas Dual-narrow-band filter with high transmission for O-III and H-Alpha linesDoes not require very large or extremely expensive telescopesExcellent results also with fast inexpensive newtonian telescopes, double-lens ED refractors or even achromatsL-eXtreme filter is the better choice for fast systems at a competitive priceCMOS colour cameras can deliver an image quality that comes close to CCD monochrome cameras Filter diameter: 2.0 inches / 50.8 mmConnecting thread: M48x0.75mmSelected optical glass material Spectrum: 300-1000nm Off-Band Blocking: > 99 % Surface Quality: 60/40 (Refer to MIL-O-13830) Fine-optically polished to ensure accurate 1/4 wavefront and highest parallelism over the both surfacesHigh transmission at major nebula emission lines (i.e. H-alpha 656nm and OIII 496nm&500nm)SCOPE OF DELIVERY L-eXtreme filter (1 pc) Dust protection box (1 pc)

LUNT LS1.25HW 31.7mm (1.25'') Herschel Wedge
This Herschel wedge is designed for superior White-Light solar observing and imaging. It can be used with refracting telescopes up to 102mm aperture, with 1.25'' focuser. This complete system comes with installed ND3.0 filter.Herschel Wedges are used to observe the sun in White Light. Around 95% of the Sun's light is suppressed by the wedge's ceramic prism. The remaining sun light is dimmed further by a factory-installed ND3.0 grey filter. Lunt Solar Systems Herschel wedges are installed in a fully closed housing with integrated heat trap. No stray light can escape from this, therefore it is very safe method of observing our nearest star.The difference between Herschel-wedges and normal front mounted filters is that the filtering takes place just before the eyepiece or camera. This provides better contrast and sharpness of the solar image - with more surface detail visible as a result.  Furthermore, a Herschel wedge is inherently safer than at a front mounted filter. A Herschel wedge can not rip or become punctured like a foil filter can be and it cannot become detached from the telescope objective accidentally.Only for use with refractor telescopes up to 102mm aperture:Because the full energy and heat of the sun inside the telescope, we advise solely using refractors for Herschel-wedge use. The refractor must not have corrector lenses at the back. Optical elements like corrector lenses, or secondary mirrors of reflecting telescopes, could suffer from thermal build-up by concentrated solar energy and could be permanently damaged.Tuning the brightness:Because the Herschel-wedge produces polarised light, you can use a normal polarising filter at the eyepiece, or camera-adapter. By turning the polarising filter the image brightness can be varied to the user's liking.This additional Polarising filter is not included. We recommend the BRESSER 1.25'' polarising filter, no: 4946464.FEATURESFor refractor telescopes up to 150mm apertureConnection to telescope: 1.25''Connection to eyepiece: 1.25''90° housing like star-diagonalEspecially high-quality optical surfaces for very good contrastFully closed housing with integrated heat trapNo stray light escaping - therefore it is very safeThe needed ND3.0 filter is fix installedWHAT'S INCLUDEDHerschel-wedge for 1.25'' focuserIntegrated ND3.0 filterTransport caseInstruction manual

BRESSER Amici Prism 90° 31.7mm/1.25"
An amici prism allows for a comfortable 90° viewing position and creates an erect image without left-right reversal. This makes it especially suitable for nature observations but it can also be very helpful with astronomical observations. Particularly beginners may find it easier to orientate in the sky when they compare the view through the telescope with what they can see with their naked eyes.With this  amici prism an astronomical telescope can be used as a powerful spotting scope.Suitable for refractor telescopes as well as Maksutov-Cassegrain style telescopes with 1,25" visual back.FEATUREScomfortable eye relief for refractor telescopes90°- viewing position and image without left-right reversalastronomical telescope turns to a powerful spotting scope1,25" visual backfully multicoated prismSCOPE OF DELIVERYAmici Prism 90° 31.7mm/1.25"

BRESSER Adapter 2" on T2
Enables you to connect a camera to telescopes that accept 2" barrel eyepieces. You will need a T2-ring for your special camera type also. The very special feature of this adaptor is the very short mechanical design (2.0mm) which enables the camera use also on telescopes with a short focal range. This adapter is also prepared to use with 2" filters.   

£13.00* £24.90* (47.79% saved)
EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Teleextender 2x 50,8mm/2"
With teleextenders it is possible to extend the effective focal length of a telescope system, resulting in higher magnification for the observation of the moon, the planets or small Deep-Sky objects with the same eyepieces. So you can use the advantages of eyepieces with longer focal length - such as the bigger eye distance and the more relaxed observing comfort - at high magnifications also.These teleextenders incorporate a telecentric optical design that deliveres a excellent image sharpness over the whole field of view and are premium choices for visual observations and astrophotography. The combination of excellent fully multicoating with superior optical design makes the Focal Extenders superior to classic Barlow lenses.FEATURES: Suitable for visual observations and astrophotographyDoubling the effective total focal length of the telescopeFour lens telecentric design Fully multicoatedFilter thread for color or nebula filtersSCOPE OF DELIVERY: Fokal Extender 2 x Adapter 2" (50,8mm) auf 1,25" (31,7mm)

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC Teleextender 3x 50,8mm/2"
With teleextenders it is possible to extend the effective focal length of a telescope system, resulting in higher magnification for the observation of the moon, the planets or small Deep-Sky objects with the same eyepieces. So you can use the advantages of eyepieces with longer focal length - such as the bigger eye distance and the more relaxed observing comfort - at high magnifications also.These teleextenders incorporate a telecentric optical design that deliveres a excellent image sharpness over the whole field of view and are premium choices for visual observations and astrophotography. The combination of excellent fully multicoating with superior optical design makes the Focal Extenders superior to classic Barlow lenses.FEATURESSuitable for visual observations and astrophotographyTriples the effective total focal length of the telescopeFour lens telecentric designFully multicoatedFilter thread for color or nebula filtersSCOPE OF DELIVERY Fokal Extender 3 x Adapter 2" (50,8mm) auf 1,25" (31,7mm)

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° LER Eyepiece 4,5mm Ar (1,25")
The visual effect of these new 4,5mm 82° LER eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience.  Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with foldable eyecups make handling and using in the field easy. As experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves.These eyepieces are the choice for observers wearing glasses - with excellent performance and durability. The patented EMD"-coating produces high contrast images and prevents reflexes and ghosting. The argon purging effectively prevents internal fogging, and you don´t have to deal with dirt, fungus or cleansing fluids getting between the lenses. The eyepieces are sealed - this makes sure you will be able to enjoy these eyepieces for many years to come.Comfort, Quality, Value. The Explore Scientific 82° LER Series Most short focal length eyepieces are excellent flat-field multi-element oculars that can transform your visual astronomy experience.  These extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast and high resolution characteristics.SPECIFICATIONSLarge eye distance, large field and great image sharpnessExcellent viewing position for people with glassesExcellent field sharpness even with fast optics82° apparent field of viewArgon-purging prevents internal fogging, the sealing facilitates cleaningPatented EMD-coating to maximize contrastBlackened lens edges to avoid reflexesAll eyepieces of this series are parfocalStainless steel barrel with conical security cutoffDust covers and protective bag includedSCOPE OF DELIVERY82° EyepieceDust coversProtective bag

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° LER Eyepiece 6,5mm Ar (1,25")
The visual effect of these new 6,5mm 82° LER eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience.  Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the averted vision technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with foldable eyecups make handling and using in the field easy. As experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves.These eyepieces are the choice for observers wearing glasses - with excellent performance and durability. The patented EMD-coating produces high contrast images and prevents reflexes and ghosting. The argon purging effectively prevents internal fogging, and you don´t have to deal with dirt, fungus or cleansing fluids getting between the lenses. The eyepieces are sealed - this makes sure you will be able to enjoy these eyepieces for many years to come.Comfort, Quality, Value. The Explore Scientific 82° LER Series Most short focal length eyepieces are excellent flat-field multi-element oculars that can transform your visual astronomy experience.  These extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast and high resolution characteristics.SPECIFICATIONSLarge eye distance, large field and great image sharpnessExcellent viewing position for people with glassesExcellent field sharpness even with fast optics82° apparent field of viewArgon-purging prevents internal fogging, the sealing facilitates cleaningPatented EMD"-coating to maximize contrastBlackened lens edges to avoid reflexesAll eyepieces of this series are parfocalStainless steel barrel with conical security cutoffDust covers and protective bag includedSCOPE OF DELIVERY82° EyepieceDust coversProtective bag

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° LER Eyepiece 8,5mm Ar (1,25")
The visual effect of these new 8,5mm 82° LER eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the averted vision technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with foldable eyecups make handling and using in the field easy. As experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves.These eyepieces are the choice for observers wearing glasses - with excellent performance and durability. The patented EMD-coating produces high contrast images and prevents reflexes and ghosting. The argon purging effectively prevents internal fogging, and you don´t have to deal with dirt, fungus or cleansing fluids getting between the lenses. The eyepieces are sealed - this makes sure you will be able to enjoy these eyepieces for many years to come.Comfort, Quality, Value. The Explore Scientific 82° LER Series Most short focal length eyepieces are excellent flat-field multi-element oculars that can transform your visual astronomy experience. These extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast and high resolution characteristics.SPECIFICATIONSLarge eye distance, large field and great image sharpnessExcellent viewing position for people with glassesExcellent field sharpness even with fast optics82° apparent field of viewArgon-purging prevents internal fogging, the sealing facilitates cleaningPatented EMD-coating to maximize contrastBlackened lens edges to avoid reflexesAll eyepieces of this series are parfocalStainless steel barrel with conical security cutoffDust covers and protective bag includedSCOPE OF DELIVERY82° EyepieceDust coversProtective bag

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 4,7mm (1,25")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 6,7mm (1,25")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 8.8mm (1.25")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 11mm (1,25")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 14mm (1,25")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 18mm (2")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 24mm (2")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

EXPLORE SCIENTIFIC 82° Ar Eyepiece 30mm (2")
Explore Scientific 82° Series™ extreme wide field eyepieces are optimized to produce high contrast, high resolution, and superior flat field characteristics. The visual effect of these eyepieces with their long eye-relief and their 82° apparent field is truly a full-immersion experience. Your eye is relaxed, allowing you to easily use the "averted vision" technique to study faint details across a huge field-of-view. The 82° Series eyepieces come with a twist-up rubber eye-guard that raise to the desired height for the comfort of the observer, and as experienced astronomers know, eye comfort is critical when trying to observe at the visual limits of the telescope. To keep internal reflections to a minimum, all internal surfaces of the eyepiece barrel are flat black, as well as the edges of the lenses themselves to minimize the scattering of light within the lenses themselves. All 82° Series eyepieces are fully multi-coated and edge-blackened to produce maximum contrast.

BRESSER Extension Tube 25 mm for 2.5" HEXAFOC
Are you having trouble focusing your eyepiece or camera? Then use this BRESSER 25 mm extension sleeve to increase the distance between the 2.5 inch HEXAFOC eyepiece extension and the eyepiece or camera. The extension sleeve has an M68x0.75 mm internal and external thread and can therefore be screwed directly onto the HEXAFOC draw tube.SPECIFICATIONSIncreases the distance to the eyepiece/camera Suitable for 2.5 inch HEXAFOC Optical length: 25 mm Internal and external thread: M68x0,75 mmInside black matt coated Material: aluminium, black anodized SCOPE OF DELIVERYExtension sleeve 25 mm (1 piece)

BRESSER Extension Tube 37,5 mm for 2.5" HEXAFOC
Are you having trouble focusing your eyepiece or camera? Then use this 37.5 mm extension sleeve to increase the distance between the 2.5 inch HEXAFOC eyepiece extension and the eyepiece or camera. The extension sleeve has an M68x0.75 mm internal and external thread and can therefore be screwed directly onto the HEXAFOC draw tube. SPECIFICATIONSIncreases the distance to the eyepiece/cameraSuitable for 2.5 inch HEXAFOCOptical length: 37,5 mmInternal and external thread: M68x0,75 mmInside black matt coatedMaterial: aluminium, black anodizedSCOPE OF DELIVERYExtension sleeve 37,5 mm (1 piece)


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BRESSER Classic 60/900 AZ Refractor Telescope
60 Years BRESSER 1957-2017 Anniversary Edition - BRESSER Classic long focal length Refractor telescopesObserving the night sky through the BRESSER Classic telescope like Galilieo Galilei or Joseph von Fraunhofer centuries ago is a very special experience. Gaze at the craters of the moon or detect the rings of Saturn with your BRESSER Classic. The telescope is equipped with an alt-azimuth mount and provides exquisite views onto the surface of earth's neighbour, the moon. The sharp optics and low weight of the BRESSER Classic make it a versatile beginner's telescope for the young and young at heart astro amateur. The classical lens system with a diameter of 60mm and a focal length of 900 mm yields excellent image quality. The alt-azimuth mounting with vertical adjustment and rugged aluminium tripod perfectly round off this beginner's set.With the including smartphone camera holder you are able to capture your observation objects and share it with your friends, family etc. The alt-azimuth mount of this refractor telescope ensures an easy and quick introduction to astronomy. This telescope is particularly suited to observing celestial bodies in our solar system such as the moon or the nearer planets. The attached accessories and the astronomy software included mean beginners can rapidly achieve success.FEATURES beginner's set with all necessary accessories to start observing immediatelyoptical system: achromatic refractoralt-azimuth mountastronomy software for an easy start into astronomy even for absolute beginnersSCOPE OF DELIVERYtelescopealt-azimuth mount5x24 viewfinderErecting lens 1,5x diagonal mirror  1.25" (31,7 mm)eyepieces 1.25" (31,7 mm): 4mm, 12,5mm und 20mmaluminium tripod with accessory trayastronomy software (download version)smartphone camera adaptermanual

BRESSER First Light AR-102/1000
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BRESSER Spica Plus 130/1000 EQ reflector telescope incl. accessories set
Featuring a large mirror with a high focal length, this telescope allows you to observe a wide range of night sky objects. Thanks to the catadioptric system (integrated Barlow lens), the tube has a short design-despite the high focal length-making the telescope highly portable. The BRESSER Spica Plus also comes with high-performance mechanics, including a premium equatorial mount that allows you to set up the telescope in no time. A focuser is attached to the side of the tube, as is standard on a Newtonian reflector telescope. It comes with two eyepieces for observing at different magnifications. Explore the planets of our solar system and discover new worlds. And if you’d like to capture your observations to share with others, you can take photos through the telescope using the supplied smartphone camera adapter. Please note that Newtonian reflecting telescopes are ideal for astronomical observations, but are not suitable for observing wildlife and landscapes. For observing wildlife and landscapes, we recommend BRESSER refracting telescopes.FEATURESTelescope for observing the night sky and the sunOptical system: Newton reflectorMax. useful magnification: 260xLens diameter: 130 mm Focal length: 1000 mm Aperture ratio: f/7.7Mount: Equatorial mountEyepiece diameter: 31.7 mm (1.25”) DELIVERY CONTENTTelescope with mountLens sun filterMoon and planet filter set (4 pcs)Eyepieces: 4 mm, 20 mmLED finder scope3x Barlow lensSmartphone cameraAluminium tripod Accessory trayAstro R-Lite torch

BRESSER Venus 76/700 AZ Reflector Telescope with Smartphone Adapter & Solar Filter
The BRESSER Venus 76/700 AZ reflecting telescope allows beginners to experience their very own stargazing hours quickly and easily. With the complete set, you are equipped with everything you need for your very own sky observations: an astronomical reflecting telescope with 76 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length, an azimuthal mount, a tripod as well as extensive accessories. And to guarantee a successful start in astronomy, the system is very easy to handle – the perfect first telescope for beginners! Established technology for your easy start – the telescope With this entry-level telescope, you will be able to admire the night sky through a classic Newtonian reflector. A little surprising for astronomy novices: with this particular type, you do not look in at the back of the telescope, but at the front and laterally. The advantage: even if the telescope aperture is directed vertically towards the sky, you can make your discoveries very comfortably. No need to bend down! In addition, the Newtonian reflector is very easy to use. The optics in this type of reflector telescopes are also impressive, because they are free of chromatic aberrations – resulting in good imaging properties at all times. A sharp image with good contrast – the Venus reflector telescope achieves this with its large focal ratio of about 1 to 9.2 (F/9.2 – calculated from 76 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length). Thanks to its long focal length, the telescope for beginners shows you the Moon, Sun, planets, open star clusters as well as globular clusters in a particularly impressive way. And all this at a magnification of up to 150x in really sharp images! Technically, you can magnify even higher – theoretically up to 525x while using the included accessories. However, as the magnification increases, the sharpness of the image may slowly decrease. Of course, how much you can magnify depends not only on the resolving power of your telescope. The air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions) also plays an important role. Note for nature lovers: If you choose a Newtonian telescope like the Venus reflector telescope, you can look forward to a specialist in astronomical observation. However, the image is always displayed laterally reversed as well as upside down, which makes no difference when observing the sky. However, this type of telescope is less suitable for nature and landscape observation during the day. Would you like to use your new telescope for exciting nature discoveries as well? Then we recommend that you choose one of the BRESSER refractor telescopes. A good foundation for a successful start – mount and tripod The height-adjustable aluminium tripod and the azimuthal mount provide a firm footing and easy celestial navigation. Especially the azimuthal mount makes life easy for beginners, because it is very user-friendly: just like a typical photo tripod, you turn the telescope by hand to the left and right, up and down. This way, your favourite celestial objects quickly appear in your field of vision. Handy: to ensure that your astronomy accessories are always within reach, there is a storage plate between the tripod legs. Everything that goes with it – the accessories Out of the box straight to the fun of observing – with the complete astronomy set, you are quickly on your way to discovering the universe. The LED viewfinder helps you keep an eye on the sky. You just mount the direction finder parallel to the actual telescope and it projects a red dot onto a small ground-glass screen. This then appears to be hovering in front of the sky when you look through the viewfinder. And it does so at exactly the same spot that your telescope is pointed at. This way, the LED finder helps you to align the reflector telescope precisely and to find the celestial objects more easily. When it comes to the level of detail in your observations, the Venus beginner's reflector telescope gives you a choice: the two included eyepieces (4 mm and 20 mm) allow you two different magnifications. You want to get an even closer look? Then simply triple the magnification of the eyepieces with the 3x Barlow lens. In addition, the socket diameter of 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) complies with an international and manufacturer-independent standard. So you can easily expand your set – and with it your astronomical horizon. If you want to observe fascinating sights not only at night but also during the day, simply grab the solar filter. With it, you can safely admire spots and granulation on our nearest star – the Sun. CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the Sun without the solar filter! A new hobby leads to new impressions – and naturally you want to capture and share those. Therefore, you can easily use your mobile phone for your first steps into astrophotograpy with the smartphone adapter. Perfect for great snapshots of the Moon or the Sun, for example. Look forward to exciting astronomical discoveries by day and night – with the BRESSER Venus 76/700 AZ reflector telescope. FEATURES Reflector telescope for beginners with 76 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length Reflector type Newton Good for observing Sun, Moon, planets and star clusters Height-adjustable tripod with azimuthal mount Easy to use even by beginners Focal ratio F/9.2, thus sharp image and good contrast Two eyepieces and a Barlow lens with 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) sockets for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar filter First steps into astrophotography with included smartphone camera adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Refractor telescope Aluminium tripod Azimuthal mount Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25 inch sockets) Barlow lens 3x (1.25 inch socket) LED illuminated dot finder Solar filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software download Instruction manual

BRESSER Space Explorer MC 90/1250 Automatic-Telescope
Who hasn't dreamed of a trip to the stars? The BRESSER Space Explorer MC 90/1250 automatic telescope will take you on an exciting journey into space. The telescope is easy to use, even for beginners - after aligning with one, two or three stars, you can choose an object from the 270,000 pre-installed celestial objects. Whether you want to observe a fascinating gas planet or a bright deep-sky object, the telescope will automatically move to your desired target. Thanks to the built-in motors in both axes of the azimuthal mount, the target object is automatically tracked so that you can sit back and enjoy the night sky. Explore the night sky with the Maksutov telescope Featuring a long focal length of 1250 mm, this telescope is ideal for making exciting discoveries in the solar system and beyond. Take a close look at the gas clouds on Jupiter, or watch the rings of Saturn through the telescope for the first time with your own eyes. Thanks to the 90 mm aperture, the telescope collects about 165 times more light than the human eye. However, it's not just the planets that look stunning through the high-quality optics. It's also worth venturing further afield into space: marvel at the sight of the Orion Nebula, 1,344 light years from Earth, or the famous Ring Nebula M57 in the constellation Lyra. The two included eyepieces with 25 mm and 12.5 mm focal lengths will show you these objects and many others at 50 or 100 times magnification. And because the best observation spots are usually not found in your immediate vicinity, the telescope features a compact Cassegrain design for easy transport. If there is a stable table at your observation site, you can even leave the tripod at home. Everything you need for exploring the night sky The telescope also allows you to capture images of the night sky. Simply attach the smartphone holder to the eyepiece, and take snapshots of planets, open star clusters and other night sky objects. The telescope is also ideal for observing and taking photos of the moon. In order to comfortably watch Earth's natural satellite through your Maksutov-Cassegrain telescope, it is best to use the included moon filter. The moon filter darkens the image slightly and increases the contrast to provide a more comfortable view. Perfect for exploring fascinating moon craters, lunar seas and shadows in the twilight zone! The telescope also comes with a star chart to help you navigate the night sky with its mythically named constellations. Discover the night sky with ease with the BRESSER Space Explorer MC 90/1250 automatic telescope - also ideal for beginners! FEATURES Compact telescope with automatic mount and tripod Pre-installed coordinates of over 270,000 celestial objects Optical design: Maksutov-Cassegrain Mirror diameter: 90 mm Focal length: 1250 mm Magnification: 50x / 100x (expandable) Mount: one-armed, azimuthal With LED viewfinder and integrated compass Motor drives: in both axes DELIVERY CONTENT Tube Mount Steel tripod Smartphone holder 2 pieces 31.7 mm Kellner eyepieces (K-25mm, K-12.5mm) LED finder scope Compass with bubble level Moon filter Astronomy software Star chart Instructions with warranty information

BRESSER Sirius 70/900 AZ Refractor Telescope with Smartphone Camera Adapter
Set off on your personal journey to the stars with the BRESSER Sirius 70/900 AZ lens telescope. The complete astronomy set already includes everything you need to start observing the sky: the astronomical lens telescope with 70 mm aperture and 900 mm focal length, the azimuthal mount, the tripod and a wide range of accessories for fascinating discoveries. At the same time, it is very easy to operate - ideal to amaze even children with a view of the night sky. Simply a stargazing classic - the telescope With this lens telescope - a so-called Fraunhofer achromatic refractor - even total astro-beginners and children can easily explore the secrets of our night sky. Because this classic design impresses with its special user-friendliness and easy handling. To ensure that you enjoy good imaging properties when looking at the Moon, Sun, planets and star clusters, the entry-level telescope has been equipped with modern, precisely coated optics. The 70 mm aperture collects a total of 100 times more light than the human eye. And it is also convincing compared to a comparable 60 mm telescope: the light gathering capacity is 36 % higher and the resolving power is also better. Thus, with the 70 mm lens telescope, significantly more details are visible at the same magnification, e.g. on Saturn's rings or the two main cloud bands of Jupiter. But how big do the celestial objects appear then? The resolution of the 70 mm lens lets you enjoy really sharp images at magnifications up to about 140x. For comparison: with a 60 mm aperture, this is only possible up to 120x. Technically, of course, the starter telescope can do even more - theoretically up to 675x with the included accessories. However, with increasing magnification, the image can slowly become more and more blurred. And how big you can really see the planets, star clusters and co. depends not only on the telescope. Another important factor: the air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions). A sharp image with good contrast - this is what the starter telescope achieves with its large focal ratio of about 1 to 12.9 (F/12.9), which is calculated from the ratio of the 70 mm aperture to the 900 mm focal length. And you will see: Due to the long focal length, especially the Sun, Moon, planets, open star clusters and globular clusters become absolute eye-catchers. Solid base for your stargazing hours - mount and tripod Found the ideal location for your nocturnal explorations? Then attach the telescope tube to the height-adjustable aluminium tripod with azimuthal mount. And this azimuthal mount is particularly compelling due to one quality: operation is really child's play. Simply swing the telescope by hand to the left or right, up or down, as with a common photo tripod. This way you can quickly move your gaze from one celestial highlight to the next. And where are the accessories? Simply place them on the storage plate between the tripod legs. This way, eyepieces, solar filter and co. stay always within reach. All the trimmings - the accessories The beginner’s telescope comes with everything you need for a quick start in stargazing. When searching for celestial bodies worth seeing, take your first look through the included LED viewfinder. Because the direction finder helps you to align the telescope precisely and find astronomical objects. It works like this: The LED finder is mounted in parallel on the telescope tube. It projects a red dot onto a small ground-glass screen that appears to float in front of the sky when you look through it. And that is exactly where the aperture of your telescope points. This way, you can always keep an overview of the night sky - before focusing your attention on the details through the magnification of the telescope. And you decide how high this magnification is by choosing the eyepiece. You will be amazed: the two eyepieces included in the set (4 mm, 20 mm) allow you to admire completely different images of the same object. If you one day want a change of perspective, you can expand your astronomy set with a large selection of eyepieces. For this purpose, the socket diameter is 1.25 inches (31.7 mm), which corresponds to an international, manufacturer-independent standard. You like what you see, but would love more detail? Then simply insert the 3x Barlow lens between the telescope and the eyepiece. And you have tripled the magnification of the eyepiece! Observation comfort and a pleasant view - this is what the 90-degree star diagonal mirror is made for. Even if your starter telescope is pointed vertically into the sky, you don't need to lie down underneath it to see anything. Instead, simply look in comfortably from the side and enjoy the view. But it's not only at night that we should look skywards. For only during the day you can see a very special star: our Sun. So put the solar filter in front of the lens and safely look at sunspots and granulation on the Sun. CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the Sun without the solar filter! Would you like to share your discoveries with friends and family? Then take your first steps in astrophotography right away - and those are done in no time with the smartphone camera adapter for your beginner's telescope. The Moon, Sun, planets, open star clusters and globular clusters always make a good picture. Discover what our night sky has to offer with the BRESSER Sirius 70/900 AZ refracting telescope. FEATURES Beginner’s telescope for astronomy 70 mm aperture; 900 mm focal length Achromatic refractor type Fraunhofer Ideal for observing the Sun, Moon, planets and star clusters Height-adjustable tripod with azimuthal mount Easy to use, also very suitable for children Focal ratio F/12.9, therefore very sharp image and high contrast Two eyepieces and one Barlow lens with 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) sockets for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar filter Entry into astrophotography with smartphone camera adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Starter lens telescope Aluminium tripod Azimuthal mount Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25 inch socket) Barlow lens 3x (1.25 inch socket) Star diagonal mirror LED illuminated dot finder Solar filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software via download Instruction manual

BRESSER Arcturus 60/700 AZ - Refractor Telescope with Smartphone Adapter & Solar Filter
Set up and start being amazed right away: the BRESSER Arcturus 60/700 AZ lens telescope takes you one step closer to the fascinating world of planets and star clusters. The complete astronomy set includes everything you need for your immediate start in celestial observation: an astronomical lens telescope with 60 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length, an azimuthal mount, a tripod and many accessories. The system is very easy to use – perfect for introducing children to the exciting hobby of astronomy. Simply an astronomical classic – the telescope A well-tried principle: this classic lens telescope – also called an achromatic refractor of the Fraunhofer type – shows beginners and children the beauties of the night sky. The starter telescope offers good imaging properties thanks to its modern, precisely coated optics. The large focal ratio of about 1 to 11.7 (F/11.7), which results from the ratio of the 60 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length, delivers sharp images with good contrast. Ideal for exploring our Moon, the planets, but also open star clusters and globular clusters with your own eyes. But how big do these celestial objects appear? With its resolving power determined by the aperture size, the telescope easily delivers really sharp images up to about 120x magnification. Technically, even more is possible using this beginner’s telescope – theoretically up to 525x with the included accessories. However, as the magnification increases, the image usually becomes more and more blurred. In addition, the telescope is not the only factor determining the possible magnification. The air turbulence in the atmosphere is always an important criterion as well (seeing conditions). Your foundation for moving observations – mount and tripod Once you have found the right location for your astronomical adventures, attach your telescope to the height-adjustable aluminium tripod with azimuthal mount. The easy handling of this azimuthal mount allows you to move effortlessly from one astronomical sight to the next. Simply swing the starter telescope manually to the left and right, up and down – just like a normal photo tripod. In order to keep eyepieces, solar filters etc. within reach at all times, just place your accessories on the practical storage plate between the tripod legs. Everything for your astro quickstart – the accessories In order to enable you to see as much as possible, the beginner’s telescope comes with an extensive range of accessories. With the LED viewfinder, for example, you can keep track of the sky. It’s a direction finder that you mount parallel to the actual telescope. It projects a red dot onto a small ground-glass screen. When you look through it, the red dot appears to be floating in front of the sky, exactly where the optics of your telescope are pointing. This makes it easier to find celestial objects and to align the telescope accurately – just before you look more closely with the higher magnification. And how high that is, you determine by choosing the appropriate eyepiece. Two are already included in the set: 4 mm and 20 mm. Moreover, you can triple the magnification of the eyepieces with the 3x Barlow-lens. If at some point you want to extend your field of view with additional eyepieces, this poses no problem at all. The socket diameter of 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) corresponds to an international and manufacturer-independent standard. This offers you a wide choice of optional eyepieces you can use with your telescope. For you to direct your gaze comfortably to star clusters and planets, the 90-degree diagonal mirror allows you to easily look into the starter telescope. This way you don't have to lie down under the entry-level telescope when the optics are pointing at the sky. Instead, you just look in from the side. However, not only the night holds numerous interesting sights for us. During the day, especially our nearest star is worth a look. So take the solar-filter and direct your gaze safely at sunspots and granulation on the Sun. WARNING: Never point the telescope at the Sun without the solar filter! If you want to capture and share your discoveries, just take photos of the Moon, Sun and more using the included smartphone adapter. FEATURES Beginner’s telescope for astronomy 60 mm aperture and 700 mm focal length Achromatic refractor type Fraunhofer Ideal for observing the Sun, Moon, planets and star clusters Height-adjustable tripod with azimuthal mount Easy to use, therefore suitable for children Focal ratio F=11.7, thus sharp image and high contrast Two eyepieces and one Barlow lens with 31.7 mm (1.25 inch) sockets for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar-filter First steps in astrophotography with smartphone-camera-adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Starter lens telescope Aluminium tripod Azimuthal mount Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25 inch sockets) Barlow-lens 3x (1.25 inch socket) Star diagonal mirror LED red dot finder Solar-filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software for download Instruction manual

BRESSER Pollux-II 150/1400 EQ3 Reflector Telescope with Smartphone Adapter & Solar Filter
Explore the beauties of the night sky with this complete telescope set. Everything is included so that you can get started immediately with the fascinating hobby of astronomy: the astronomical reflector telescope with 150 mm aperture and 1,400 mm focal length, the equatorial mount, the tripod and extensive accessories for exciting observations. Especially important for beginners: the system is very easy to use. Particularly the Moon, the planets and the Sun appear impressive through the Pollux-II. Powerful performance for your first celestial observations – the telescope Take your first steps in astronomy with this classic reflector telescope of the "Newton" type. Because it is equipped with an additional lens inside the focuser, it belongs to the group of the so-called "catadioptric" optics. One advantage of this combination of lens and mirror: despite the large focal length, the telescope tube is relatively short and therefore easily transportable. In addition, you can look forward to a comfortable observation position at all times. This is because with telescopes of this design you do not look in at the back of the telescope, but at the front and laterally. So you don't have to bend down, even if the reflector telescope is pointed vertically upwards at the sky. The large aperture of 150 mm collects a lot of light from the celestial objects. In addition, 150 mm aperture and 1,400 mm focal length result in a focal ratio (ratio of aperture to focal length) of 1 to 9.3 (F/9.3). This allows you to enjoy viewing your favourite objects at high magnifications with good contrast. Admire especially the planets or details on the Moon through the entry-level telescope. But also some deep sky objects are very nice to observe: open star clusters, globular clusters and bright planetary nebulae such as the Ring Nebula M57 in the constellation Lyra can be seen beautifully through this astronomical telescope. But how close can you get to the celestial eye-catchers? The 150 mm aperture achieves a resolving power that allows magnifications of up to 300x with sharp images. The technical possibilities go far beyond this – theoretically up to 1,050x using the included accessories. However, as the magnification increases, the sharpness of the image can slowly decrease. In addition, high magnification also requires the right environmental conditions. For no matter through which telescope you look, the air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions) always influences your observation and magnification possibilities. Note for nature lovers: If you choose a Newtonian telescope like the Pollux-II reflector telescope, you can look forward to a specialist in astronomical observation. However, the image is always displayed laterally reversed as well as upside down, which makes no difference when observing the sky. However, this type of telescope is less suitable for nature and landscape observation during the day. Would you like to use your new telescope for exciting nature discoveries as well? Then we recommend that you choose one of the BRESSER refractor telescopes. Solid base for gazing skywards – mount and tripod Have you found the perfect location for your journey of discovery into the night sky? Then simply mount your astronomical telescope with the equatorial mount on the height-adjustable aluminium tripod. The special feature of this type of mount: after the so-called "alignment", the positioning of an axis parallel to the Earth's axis, the movement of the celestial bodies only has to be compensated for on this one axis. To do this, you simply point the axis approximately at Polaris. This is a huge advantage over the azimuthal mount, where both axes are moved simultaneously. In addition, the two flexible shafts with fine adjustment make adjusting and tracking the telescope very precise and comfortable. And to ensure that accessories are always at hand, they can be stored on the handy shelf between the tripod legs.Keep track of things automatically: For this telescope’s equatorial EQ-3 mount, the tracking motor with item number 4951400 is available as an optional accessory. This eliminates the need to manually track a celestial object set in the telescope. When this motor is installed at the mount, it automatically tracks the celestial object, keeping it in the field of view of the eyepiece. This makes observing the night sky even more comfortable! Everything you need, night and day – the accessories The astronomical telescope comes with a wide range of equipment so that you can start admiring the Moon, planets or the Sun straight away. At night, the LED viewfinder helps you keep an overview of the sky. Once installed parallel on the tube and correctly aligned, the small red dot shows you where the telescope is pointing when you look through it. This way, you can align the optics precisely and find celestial bodies more quickly before you then take a closer look with the high magnification. Varying views of the universe: the two eyepieces allow you to marvel at your observation objects in different magnifications. They are simply inserted into the telescope's focuser using their sockets with a standardised 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) diameter. You want to see even more details? Then go for the 3x barlow lens, which triples the magnification of the eyepieces. If you would like to make astronomical discoveries even during the day, use the solar filter to observe the star of our own solar system. It allows you to easily and safely observe sunspots and granulation on the sun. CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the sun without the solar filter! Capture special highlights easily – with the smartphone adapter, you use your smartphone as a camera for your telescope. This way you can quickly take your first photos of the Moon or the Sun, for example, and get started in astrophotography. FEATURES Reflector telescope with 150 mm aperture and 1,400 mm focal length Reflector type catadioptric Well suited for observing the Sun, Moon and planets Height-adjustable tripod with equatorial EQ3 mount Precise adjustment through flexible shafts and fine adjustment in both axes Easy to use, very suitable for beginners Focal ratio F/9.3, therefore good for observing the planets and details on the moon 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) eyepiece focuser Two eyepieces and one barlow lens with 1.25 inch (31.7 mm) extension tubes for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar filter Entry into astrophotography with smartphone camera adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Telescope Aluminium tripod Equatorial EQ3 mount Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25 inch sockets) Barlow lens 3x (1.25 inch socket) LED illuminated dot finder Solar filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software download Instruction manual

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Telescope with Solar Filter
The NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Newton telescope with solar filter is a highlight in its own right!The classic reflector telescope comes with everything you need to start directly. The azimuth mount is very easy to handle, which makes this telescope especially recommendable for beginners. The highlight of this device is, however, the sun filter! This  tested sun filter not only allows you to observe the astro but also the sun. A Smartphone holder gives you the opportunity to share your pictures and videos with friends and in social media.PROPERTIESLens diameter: 76 mmFocal range: 350 mmEnlargement: 18x-175xsuitable for sun and sky observationextensive accessory package for immediate startsmartphone holder for photography with mobile phoneeasy to use azimuth mountcomes completely pre-assembled - it can be observed immediately - no construction requiredSCOPE OF SUPPLYtelescopemount and tripod2 eyepieces (4mm/ 20mm)sun filterBarlow lens: 2xastronomy softwaremoon map for downloadsmartphone holder

BRESSER Pollux-I 150/750 EQ3 Reflector Telescope with Smartphone Adapter & Solar Filter
Explore hidden worlds through your own eyes – with the BRESSER Pollux-I telescope starter set for budding amateur astronomers, you can go on your own journey of discovery in outer space. Everything you need is already included: the astronomical reflector telescope with 150 mm aperture and 750 mm focal length, the equatorial mount, the tripod and a wide range of accessories for astronomical observations. Perfect for getting started quickly: the system is very easy to use. In addition, the entry-level telescope impresses with its versatility: you can observe the Moon and planets as well as star clusters, gas nebulae and even galaxies through the high-quality optics. Due to the parabolic primary mirror the image delights with impressive sharpness and high contrast. In addition, the 2-inch focuser allows for the use of high-quality eyepieces. Perfect conditions for fascinating sights of the night sky! Time-proven optics for your first astro-steps – the telescope By choosing the Pollux-I, you’ll start your journey to the stars with a classic Newtonian reflector telescope. Beginners are often surprised by the fact that with telescopes of this type you don't look in at the back of the tube, but at the front and laterally. This gives you the advantage of always being able to look into the telescope in a comfortable posture, even when it's pointed vertically upwards at the sky. In addition, these reflector telescopes offer optics that are absolutely free of chromatic aberrations and thus provide good imaging properties. The large aperture of 150 mm collects a lot of light from the celestial objects. In addition, 150 mm aperture and 750 mm focal length result in a short focal ratio (ratio of aperture to focal length) of 1 to 5 (F/5). On the one hand, this makes the telescope fast and provide a bright image. On the other hand, high magnifications can be achieved. This combination makes the entry-level telescope so versatile. In addition, the Pollux-I is equipped with a parabolic primary mirror. The remarkable effect of this special mirror shape: you enjoy excellent imaging properties at all magnification levels. So you can look forward to the complete range of celestial highlights. At low to medium magnification, you can admire deep-sky objects such as open star clusters, globular clusters, gas nebulae and even galaxies such as the pair of galaxies M65 and M66 in the constellation Leo. And at high magnifications, observing the planets or details on the Moon is an absolute pleasure. You can get really close to your favourite objects: The aperture of 150 mm achieves a resolving power that allows magnifications of up to about 300x with sharp images. Technically, even higher magnifications are possible, theoretically up to 562.5x using the included accessories. However, with increasing magnification, the sharpness of the image can slowly decrease. In addition, the prevailing conditions always make a difference: How highly you can magnify always depends not only on the power of the telescope but also on the air turbulence in the atmosphere (seeing conditions). The telescope also impresses with its flexibility in terms of eyepiece compatibility: it comes with a 2-inch focuser (focuser extension) and an adapter from 2 inch to 1.25 inch. This enables you to use eyepieces with 1.25-inch sockets (about 31.7 mm) as well as eyepieces with the larger 2-inch sockets (about 50.8 mm) with large fields of view. Note for nature lovers: If you choose a Newtonian telescope like the Pollux-I reflector telescope, you can look forward to a specialist in astronomical observation. However, the image is always displayed laterally reversed as well as upside down, which makes no difference when observing the sky. However, this type of telescope is less suitable for nature and landscape observation during the day. Would you like to use your new telescope for exciting nature discoveries as well? Then we recommend that you choose one of the BRESSER refractor telescopes. Perfect foundation for fascinating discoveries – mount and tripod Your beginner's telescope is securely held by the height-adjustable aluminium tripod with equatorial mount. The special feature of this mount, also known as a parallactic mount: in contrast to azimuthal models, the movement of the celestial bodies is only compensated for on one axis instead of two. For this purpose, you simply align one axis parallel to the Earth's axis by pointing it approximately at Polaris. For precise and comfortable alignment and tracking of the entry-level telescope, the Pollux-I comes equipped with two flexible shafts with fine adjustment. And to ensure that the interchangeable eyepieces, barlow lens etc. always remain within reach, they can be stored on the tray between the tripod legs.Keep track of things automatically: For this telescope’s equatorial EQ-3 mount, the tracking motor with item number 4951400 is available as an optional accessory. This eliminates the need to manually track a celestial object set in the telescope. When this motor is installed at the mount, it automatically tracks the celestial object, keeping it in the field of view of the eyepiece. This makes observing the night sky even more comfortable! Well equipped for the ideal start – the accessories Your entry-level telescope comes with a wide range of astronomy accessories so that you can start to be amazed right away. For example, the LED viewfinder helps you align the telescope and find celestial objects. Installed in parallel on the telescope, this direction finder shows you a red dot when you look through it. It appears to hover in front of the sky and thereby shows you where the telescope is pointing. Varying view of the sky: With the two eyepieces with 1.25-inch sockets (31.7 mm), you can admire your astronomical discoveries at different magnifications. The 3x barlow lens already included in the set triples the magnification of the eyepiece you are using. Enjoy safe observations of our Sun with the included solar filter. This way you can easily take a closer look at sunspots and granulation on our own star. CAUTION: Never point the telescope at the Sun without the solar filter! Astrophotography for beginners: with the smartphone adapter, you can use your mobile phone as a camera on the telescope. This way you will quickly impress friends and relatives with your own first snapshots e. g. of the Moon or the Sun. FEATURES Reflector telescope with 150 mm aperture and 750 mm focal length Reflector type Newton with parabolic primary mirror Very well suited for observing the Sun, Moon and planets as well as star clusters, gas nebulae and galaxies Height-adjustable tripod with equatorial EQ3 mount Precise movement through flexible shafts and fine adjustment in both axes Easy to use, very good for beginners Focal ratio F/5, thus very suitable for many celestial objects 2-inch (50.8 mm) focuser with adapter to 1.25-inch (31.7 mm) Two eyepieces and one barlow lens with 1.25-inch (31.7 mm) sockets for different magnifications Safe solar observation with the included solar filter First steps in astrophotography with smartphone camera adapter SCOPE OF DELIVERY Telescope Aluminium tripod Equatorial EQ3 mount Adapter from 2 inch to 1.25 inch Eyepieces: 4 mm and 20 mm (1.25-inch sockets) Barlow lens 3x (1.25-inch socket) LED illuminated dot finder Solar filter Smartphone camera adapter Accessory tray Astronomy software as download Instruction manual


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BRESSER Messier AR-90 90/900 Optical Tube assembly
NEW – now including a high-quality aperture Solar-filter for safe observation of sunspots, eclipses and planet transits. Great telescope for night and solar observation.Excellent for entering into the hobby of astronomy: 90mm aperture delivers 200 times more light than the naked eye! Observe craters, valleys and rims on the moon from nearly 400,000km away just as you would look out of the window of a spaceship! The MESSIER AR-90 does not only provide highly detailed views of the moon: Gaze at the division of the rings of saturn millions of kilometers away or explore the Great Red Spot of Jupiter, a giant tornado in Jupiter's atmosphere. Watch the seasons on Mars and find the sickle of Venus. The MESSIER AR-90 gives you images that are many times brighter than the instrument Galileo Galilei was using for his famous explorations almost 400 years ago. This telescope is an optical tube without mount and tripod. CHARACTERISTICS Optical design: refractor telescopeLens diameter: 90 mm / focal length: 900 mm / F/10Maximum recommended magnification: 180xTelescope for night and solar observation 6x30 viewfinder with crosshair eyepiece Optimised finder mount for comfortable viewing 31.7 mm (1.25") zenith mirror Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation includedSCOPE OF DELIVERY Optical tube 26 mm Super Plössl eyepiece (31.7 mm / 1.25") 31.7 mm (1.25") diagonal mirror Integrated 31.7 mm and T2 adapter 6x30 optical viewfinder Rotatable star map Aperture solar filter Smartphone adapter for celestial navigation Astronomy PC software Stellarium (via download)

Vixen SXP2-VC200L-S-PFL Telescope Complete Set
SXP2 mount with VC200L telescope This telescope set has everything you need to observe the night sky. It includes a telescope, a mount with automatic tracking, a tripod and two eyepieces. The SXP2 mount comes with the new STARBOOK TEN controller and the PFL-II polar viewfinder, which allows you to configure the mount quickly and easily via reference stars. The VC200L was designed for photography and renders a sharp and high-contrast image to the edges of the camera chip. It produces stunningly sharp images of the galaxies and nebula. The telescope set also offers outstanding visual performance and produces sharp images without chromatic aberration. It also produces impressive images of the moon's craters and Saturn's ring system. The mount can be operated fully automatically and finds celestial objects automatically.The SXP 2 mount in detailStrong mount housingCompared with previous models, the new SXP2 mount features larger bearings in order to increase the accuracy and load capacity.The mounting housing is made from a stronger material than the previous SX mounts.The equatorial head is clamped into a fork in order to increase the stability of the polar alignment wedge.Precise tracking with P-PEC functionThe SXP2 mount comes with the modern STARBOOK TEN control system. This includes a P-PEC function for precise tracking. PEC stands for ''Periodic Error Corrections'' and corrects errors in the mechanics which lead to periodic errors in the gear systems. The P-PEC function, which is based on the PEC function, is designed for the SXP2 equatorial mount. The P-PEC function saves the records of corrections, even after the power supply to the mount has been switched off. It is not necessary to re-enter the data each time, which enables a quicker setup and more precise tracking.The belt drive system minimizes backlash and noiseConventional motor-driven systems on equatorial mounts use gear wheels, which are driven by the motor. However, this design generates backlash under the gear wheels, which can lead to inaccuracies.To avoid these errors, the drive was converted to a belt drive system. This drastically reduces the backlash of the gear unit, as well as the noise generated by the drive system. It also ensures a quicker reaction when corrections are required.16 bearingsThe mechanical parts contain a total of 16 bearings.The SXP2 mount uses a set of tapered roller bearings for the RA axis in order to provide additional stability for more precise tracking.Stable polar alignment wedgeThe SXP2 mount uses the same fork as the heavy AXJ mount. This new construction enables a quick and stable configuration of the latitude setting.Simple and precise polar alignment via reference starThe 6x20 polar finder scope is pre-installed. This allows the user to configure the polar alignment (for both the northern and southern hemispheres). The polar finder scope has a variable illuminated reticle with an automatic power-off function. The brightness can be adjusted in 8 levels so that the user can configure the desired brightness.The polar finder scope can be configured directly via three reference stars and can reach an accuracy of up to 3 arc minutes.Variable mount headThe mount head has a diameter of 35 mm and features 8 threaded holes for M8 screws spaced at 45 degrees. An optional accessory tray can be attached to the mount head directly or in combination with an optional mounting wedge for dovetail plates. The threaded holes on the mounting head can also be used to mount rails from other manufacturers. Modern STAR BOOK TEN controller with high-resolution colour display and built-in star chartThe STAR BOOK TEN controller is a modern control system with a high-resolution colour monitor.The STAR BOOK TEN system contains more than 272,000 celestial objects, including 260,000 stars from the SAO catalogue, 109 Messier objects, 7840 NGC objects and 5380 IC objects, as well the soon, moon and planets. Objects can be accessed by name, and information such as images and data can be defined separately.A combination of innovative, elegant design and user-friendly featuresThe improved design of the stable and rigid mount body, which features precise tracking with a P-PEC function and STAR BOOK TEN control system, offers a highly precise, easy to use mount that is guaranteed to please astrophotographers and observers.Special motor mount for lighter counterweightThe heavy RA and DEC motor units are built into the bottom of the declination axis to ensure that the centre of gravity of the equatorial head is below the RA and DEC axis. This enables the declination body to function as a counterweight. Thanks to the flat mounting head, the mount can be balanced with a significantly lighter counterweight.Retractable counterweight barThe counterweight bar is made from solid stainless steel with a thickness of 20 mm, and enables the use of all counterweights from the SX and GP mount series. The counterweight bar is housed in the declination body.The VC200L in detailAstrophotographers generally use two different focal lengths: Short focal lengths for overview photos and extensive deep-sky objects, and long focal lengths for objects which are further away. Our aspherical mirror optics offer the perfect solution for these scenarios. The VISAC primary mirror (Vixen Sixth-Order Aspheric Cassegrain) is specially designed for astrophotography and provides a fully flat and true-colour image over the entire image frame. Thanks to the three-element field corrector in front of the convex secondary mirror, there is no spherical aberration, coma or field curvature. Although the device is designed for astrophotography, it is also suitable for visual observations.FEATURES Mirror: 200 mm (8 inches) Photographically optimised system with flattenerFocal length: 1800 mmResolution and limiting magnitude: 0.58 arc seconds; 13.3 magLight-gathering power: 816 xDimensions and weight: 232 x 600 mm, 6.9 kgAdapter and connections: 31.7 mm sleeve, 60 mm thread109 Messier objects, 7840 NGC objects and 5380 IC objectsModern controller with high-resolution monitorIntegrated star chart and moon programBuilt-in autoguider input (ST4 port)DELIVERY CONTENTVC 200 telescopeSXP2 mountSTARBOOK TEN controllerMounting toolSXG-HAL130 tripod2 counterweights (1.9 kg and 3.7 kg) 7x50 finder scope Folding mirror Carry handle Dovetail barDovetail adapterV 20 mm and SLV 9 mm eyepiece
